NGD Tele

Had this a week

Absolutely love it, cheap as chips and the only guitar I’ve played since it arrived.


Looks great, congratulations! :smiley:

Nice. Those Jet guitars always get good reviews and I’m partial to a roasted neck!

I do need to add a tele to my collection at some point … :wink:

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Can’t go wrong for £150 :grinning:

Hi Greg,
Happy NGW :partying_face: :sunglasses:
I wish you a lot of time with it :sunglasses:


Happy NGD, Greg! My local dealer sold Jet guitars, seems to be good value for the money. Have lots of fun with it!

Looking good Greg, enjoy! :smiley:

Nice! Happy NGD!! :guitar: :tada: :partying_face:
That does look like great value for money. Must play well too. Enjoy! :smiley:

Too. Many. New. Teles. Must. Resist. :wink:

Very nice Greg, enjoy!

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Looks great, can’t go wrong with a Tele.

Hold my beer :slight_smile:

Cool … there’s ways room for twang in your collection :+1:

Only one minor issue with it in that the jack plug fell off, or in, when the retaining nut unscrewed and fell off. I think they’d only left half a thread for the the retaining nut so a slight adjustment, a bit of thread lock and all good.

I’ll get it set up in the next couple of weeks when my luthier is free but plays great out of the box.

Happy NGD Greg!

Happy NGD, enjoy. :smiley:


I have recently started and did a lot of research on which guitar to buy. Jet came up so often so I applaud your NGD effort!
I went for their JS400 and am very happy.

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Yes lots of good reviews on Jet in general on the tube.

Happy NGD Greg, recently bagged a brace of Teles myself, of the G&L species.

Yes Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner it may well be your fault I bought it :joy:

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That’s a beautiful looking tele!!! Lovely colour. Enjoy it.