Nice quality lick book

I am following Justin’s advice and starting to write down all the licks I know to compile a “lick book”. I have an aversion to random loose sheets of paper, and I really love good quality notebooks - so, after looking around I found this:

It has just arrived and it is really good.

It occurred to me that Justin could be selling a notebook with guitar tabs, specifically for transcribng practice. I would buy one from the merch shop if it was available. The ones he has are all dotted pages I think. Maybe @DavidP could pass on the idea?


Oh, this book is wonderful. I can see it being in service for quite a while. Good quality paper, and very easy to rub out mistakes.

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Alan, here’s what Justin has on offer: Notebooks & Notepads – JustinGuitar Merch Store

Yes, I looked there first and saw a few, but they all said this:

140 dotted pages

This isn’t any use for writing out tabs is it (ie 6 lines)? There wasn’t a picture of the inside.

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