Notter's Learning Log

Mark @Notter
Quite a lengthy LL and glad things have turned around for you.
Too many items to comment on them all so will just pick up on a couple.
Songbook - I am about at the same stage as you and spent some time over holiday period sorting out the songs I wanted to keep and work on. Do you fall into the trap that I had, that’s a nice song I will add it to the list, had to control myself.
Theory - definitely worth doing, not sure it is making me a better player but much happier knowing why I am doing it, hope you enjoy the course.

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You have found the most important goal.

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Thanks Michael!

Re songbook, yep I’m with you on properly zero-ing in to songs that were worthy. I started with ones I’ve done at OMs as I wouldn’t have out the effort into those otherwise, that took up close to half. The rest needed a bit of a critical evaluation but an overall good experience to go through.

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Welcome back Mark.
Life and all that eh!

Just starting Grade3 myself and your relaxed approach is resonating with me. It allows us to think about a direction and find things in the grade that may be useful.
Onwards and upwards indeed! :guitar:

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Hi Mark, be sure to update us all if you get to do that live play. Would be great to hear about it.


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Love it that you are back Mark!
A cool read about what you have achieved, not bad at all!
Sounds awsome what you did on the family gathering, bet that felt a little pressurized at the start :rofl:
Just go for that OM Mark… youre singing and playing are more than good enough for it. Dobt think about it, just do it. Bet you money that you will not regret :grin:

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Good to see you back Mark.

Sorry to here about your ups and downs but looks like you are putting them behind you. I think your plans for 24 make good sense. I’ve just gone back over Grades 1 and 2 to pick up on the new stuff and working through Grade 3 and I’d agree its a loser framework and as I have said recently, that Justin getting you to think for yourself. So just take your time, you know my mantra.

Good for you on the singing in front of the family, I’ve still not done that after all these years but it sounded like great fun. The songbook reorg makes sense as well. I recently rebuilt mine from the ground up, losing a few songs I’d learnt and even OMed but had no desire to perform again. So its been restructured into a new group of “set lists” 2 performance playlists, practice/refine, memorise and learn. And I now take a least one day off a week to do nothing but songs, normally Songbook Saturday or Sunday. So make sure you take time out from learning.

There seems to have been a lot of 5 point plans around in the last few years :wink: and yours makes far more sense than the ones that get most air time. All the best for the coming year !


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Nice to see you back, Mark. I assume at some time in the future you’ll disappear again and then walk back in the door. I imagine it will be a bit like Kramer enters the room… :rofl:

I enjoy reading people’s personal updates, really if it’s all-guitar-all-the-time the community is not as interesting as getting to know a bit more of the whole person. I think my last LL was half non-guitar updates and half guitar. Bummer about your shingles & work challenges - I hope all is OK now on the health & work front.

I read this:

And then I read this, as #2 on your goals:

Perhaps give yourself the permission to quit such a big task if you stop enjoying it :smiley: Wouldn’t want it to become a chore like a fixed list of difficult graduation songs! I personally have had a few moments where I was working on something too hard and guitar started to feel a bit like too much hard work and I had to go - nope! - and do something else. Some things I went back to and others I haven’t.

lol, transcribing was really hard when I started it. So glad I skipped it, it was one of those things… my ear is much more developed now and transcribing is a lot easier. Still not good at it though.

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Same here, although I probably started looking at 15 in the new year and still on it. Still not sure I like the loose nature of this yet, but time will tell.

Have had a go at this but wont be taking it any further. At this time I can’t see the wood from the trees. It all sounds lice trees to me. I have other things to work on.

I do this at the start of most practice session along with the finger stretching. Found it real beneficial.

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Glad you’re feeling better, Mark. I know what it’s like having a bug that just hangs on and on (and isn’t covid). I like your new plan. when I get a little further into Grade 2, I may just steal a little bit of it. :sweat_smile:

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Fair comments as always JK :slight_smile:

I’m definitely approaching that project I mention as a fun exercise, not a must do, and not with a set number of songs or anything in mind. It’s also a little bit about improving my DAW and video skills as well as guitar / musicianship. Definitely worth the callout though so appreciated for that.

I know you’re jesting with your opening comment with the Kramer reference, but it’s actually quite on point with a little of what I’ve been dealing with. That’s about me realising that I can be an all or nothing kind of character with associated moods that go with it. Knowing it is one thing, not getting frustrated with it is another, and attempting to get a better balance is yet another!! Fun times :wink:

Cheers mate.

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Ok things are going better, I’m pleased to read this!

Thanks for sharing your update, so much going on in only one year!

16 songs!!! I will just say you’re doing great…no I also have to say I do envy you!!

Absolutely. It’s the way I like it, maybe because I come from a not so good background of bad habits and self doubt, my guitar journey re-started with a meaning of self-acceptance and forgiveness…as Justin says it must be fun first of all! Being able to read your needs and move on accordingly is gold Mark so be aware that the effort you put in is going to pay dividends in the long run.

Music Theory…sometimes I think that our own pace is actually the only one available and the most valuable too. Justin’s Course is amazing because it gives you notions but also it leads you to find out things for yourself and …ohh I’m being able to do something special to my heart putting at work what I’m learning with the PMT…I’ll @ you as I think it’ll take the form of a avoyp soon! Again…it’s about you, about your individual needs, about what you love!


Glad to hear you are on the mend, Mark.

Not wanting to make this about me, but too had a dance with shingles earlier this year. Fortunately caught it early, so was really mild.

Health can be such a bummer, first physically and then emotionally. And that second part it seems to me can be more of a challenge to overcome than the physical.

Have fun, progressing and getitng back to full speed.


Not at all David, in a strange way it’s “nice”(?) to know others can relate, I am glad your case was mild and you’re so right, it’s the aftermath that mentally can have such an impact. Thanks very much for slogging through another long read of mine!!

Your, and the community’s, support is always genuine and significant. Lovely to hear from you. :+1::heart: