November 2023 - PERFECT DAY - Lou Reed 24.11.23 ** Watermelon Man - Herbie Hancock 9.11.23 ** Drift Away - Dobie Gray 1.11.23

DRIFT AWAY-Dobie Gray-01.11.23

Thought it was time to add some yin back into my yang, and return to recording a vocal performance.

I do enjoy singing, but have not developed it, or done it for some time, as I’ve been centred/ hooked/ obsessed on blues/lead playing for a while now. Still learning other songs etc, just not recording vocals for performance. I have found it more work than fun sometimes - perhaps why I don’t do it more often.

To be honest, I had to do a little self ‘refresher course’ on my physical/ digital vocal setup too. :nerd_face: I think I need some more upskilling here.

Anyway, here’s a cool crooner from the past, Dobie Gray, with the timeless, Drift Away. A fairly straightforward strummer, with a cool groove, and my own simple intro/ break arrangement.
Felt really good doin’ this one. Some flubs here and there, and I think I got vocally ‘tired’ here and there, but more practice should help. Have another couple of vocal performances in the pipeline, as I seem to be on a mini roll here. Comments, feedback, tips etc welcome. Audio tips etc very welcome too.

Cheers, Shane


Hi Shane,
So incredibly well played :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses: :clap:, I would make the singing a little more subordinate in the mix, keep practicing because you are almost there and that this way of singing is really very nice , but perfection is lurking :smiley: :sunglasses:, just a a matter of (short) time with you :smiley:
Thanks ,Greetings

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Agreed, very nice Shane, very nice indeed. :clap: :clap: :guitar:


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Hi Shane.
i dont agree with you, i think your vocal is vey good… song sounded superb, both guitar and singing.
your voice is even better when you push it a little bit. the points in the song were you pushed, gave you a really nice and cool sound too your voice.
Dude… you should sing all the time!!


Very nicely done - I think your melodic breaks really worked well and are nicely played - not overdone, just right.

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Well, any of the flubs you mentioned went unnoticed by me Shane. Well done, that was a super performance and a song I haven’t heard for ages.
My recording system is very basic so I’m no expert but I thought the balance and tone of your various elements was really good.
Well done mate and I look forward to the others in the “pipeline”.

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Yeah, thanks for the listen Roger. Thats the thing with the guitar/ vocals mix for me - getting it right. Frustrating at times. I think I was a bit too close to the mic maybe for this tune.

Cheers, Shane

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Much appreciated, and thanks for the listen Gordon. Your ‘basic’ setup certainly produces good sound though.

Cheers, Shane

Much appreciated Rachel. Thanks for the listen.

Cheers, Shane.

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Hey Trond,

You are too kind mate. Appreciate the listen and encouraging words.

Cheers, Shane

Appreciate the listen Paul, and the constructive feedback.

Cheers, Shane

That sounded great Shane, really cool. I didn’t recognise the name of the song but have definitely heard it before!

I thought your singing was good, nice and laid back. Real easy to listen to.

Enjoyed it!

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A terrific return for vocal performing there Shane, really nicely chilled vibe to the performance overall, the tone you’ve dialled in sounds perfect.

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That was excellent Shane, great improvisation. Killer tone from the guitar. Loved it :ok_hand:

Great rendition of this all time classic, Shane! :clap:

You immediately got me rocking and humming along, such a great laid back feel in it. You seemed so relaxed as well. Playing wise just top notch, great arrangement, tone and groove. No flubs detected be these ears. :smiley:

It was the first time I heard you sing and I liked it.It’s coming along nicely as well, cool and chilled vibes.

I get what you mean, but it was not too noticeable for the listener, probably more for you. It’s maybe like when we’re having paused from some sports for a while and then return. It feels hard at the start, but after a few more runs it will become smooth and easy again, stamina will be back soon as well. So yeah, please use your roll and share some more of these - it was most enjoyable to listen to! :slight_smile:

Cheers - Lisa


Hi Shane, that was definitely a treat on this post-Halloweenparty-morning :jack_o_lantern::hugs:. Very chilled vibes, great playing (I really like your 'break arrangments :heart_eyes:), and awesome vocals. A perfect and highly enjoyable performance to my ears :blush:.


Thanks Mark for the listen and kind words. The ole Dobie Gray, the cool crooner!.

Cheers, Shane

Thanks Ian for the listen and the kind words. Easy to get great tones on Scuffham Amps S-Gear. Brilliant, inexpensive bit of software, missed out on by many I reckon.

Cheers, Shane

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Appreciate you taking the time listen Lisa, and give some feedback. As I said, I really enjoy singing, but its hard work sometimes, production wise; and of course, trying to get better. Will have to actually practice it I suppose. :crazy_face:

Cheers, Shane

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Thanks for the listen, and the kind feedback Nicole. Hope you enjoyed your Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

Cheers, Shane

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