Old forum monkey (Re-)Introducing myself

Given the fact you are 35 years in (as you mentioned in your other post) that’s only one guitar every 4 years… :laughing:, nothing to worry about…


I was at a Wishbone Ash concert at Pacific Rd, many years ago! And by coincidence I am planning to take my Yamaha acoustic to KGB this week, who are still at Pacific Rd.
Remember seeing Lindisfarne and Howard Jones at Pacific Rd back in the day.


Yeah … See … That’s what I keep telling people who question my hoard … sorry … guitar stash. When you rationalise it like that, it’s so much simpler.

I then show them a picture of Joe Bonamassa’s guitars … and everything is put in perspective :grin:


I always send people to KGB. There are loads of unknown ‘Luthiers / Guitar Techs’ advertising and setting up in cubicles in shopping centres … and they may be good at what they do … but KGB have been there as long as the pyramids and I’d trust them to do my guitars, even though I do most of my own work.

I do need to see them soon, actually … my Agile is in need of a fret level and crown … and I’ve never been bothered to buy all the tools to do it myself, plus a beater to hone the process on. Just as economic to hand them over to someone who does it all day long, for the time they’ll last before it’ll need looking at again.

There’s a place up the East Lancs from me in Leigh, also … Cottam Guitars … run since '89 by the same lad, Max Cottam. He’s got an excellent rep, too … and his knowledge of Ibanez guitars and dodgy trem systems is superb.

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Welcome back good to meet you.

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Hi Simon,
I read that you are already settling in nicely. :sunglasses: As I said earlier, I hung around the old forum for a while (six months or so), when I was just starting to get used to it, this new community thing happened… I was so disappointed about that. … sometimes I can’t handle changes very well when i just find how things work … the disappointment didn’t last 2 days, what a huge improvement it turned out to be :smiley:, maybe just a little too good because I would have had to play/practice guitar for many more hours in one day instead of reading here and post a little too many messages, sorry in advance for that … :roll_eyes:

Greetings and I wish you a lot of fun, :sunglasses:


@Jwaters … Thanks, Jeff … Likewise, a pleasure, mate :smiley:

@roger_holland … Yeah, Rogier … it’s starting to become more familiar to me, now. The only thing I’'m thoroughly bemused by, is the stream of notifications i’m getting telling me I’ve earned this or that badge for one thing or another that I’ve done. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s one for pulling my pants up properly after using the toilet :grin: … I’m trying to stay away from maintstream, app based, social media … and any kind of validation system simply smacks of them. I literally do not care for such things. I’d much rather be judged and validated on the quality and passion of my knowledge, and my willingness to help others move forward, than some badge that says I know how to say hello without hurting myself :grin:


Yes, you would think so :see_no_evil:… fortunately, the flow of badges to be earned will stop almost automatically …almost not totally :grimacing:… This is also the only social media I use here (including YouTube because otherwise you can’t watch me) and I only use Whatsapp very sporadically…

For some that can be quite useful :grin:

Greetings and a not so quiet Sunday with lots of guitar.

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Top lads :sunglasses:
I was in there two months ago with a freshly purchased G&L Tele and a bit of pickup buzz. They tested all the electrics and reassured me it was just a slight grounding problem, easily sorted with some copper foil on the next string change.
No charge :open_mouth:


Hi Wishbone,
Your post brought back a lot of memories from much younger days with my long absent Antoria Cherry- burst Les Paul copy.
I remember watching Wishbone Ash on “Whistle Test” and having all their albums, including Argus which I revisited recently. Still a great album​:+1::+1:
Your reprise of progress and duration of playing, achieving mediocre, mirrors mine exactly and made me smile.
I set my stall out this year to make amends and progress to intermediate but confess it’s a big target to hit. Still I’m on the way but feel like I’ve only just bought the ticket for a long trip. The more I learn, the more I realise what I don’t know😂 It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only one though.
Anyhow, good luck with your journey and maybe see you on the way​:+1::+1:

Bob H

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Oh dear, I bought my first guitar in November 2022, and now I have 3…

Of course, 35 more years, would make me 100 years old… I’ll see what I can do. :rofl:

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@REPRAHBOB … Technically, I’m quite proficient. My downfall has always been my scatterbrained inconsistency in learning the actual songs/tunes you play that make you push to the next level. I’m not sure why…but my perspective seems to have changed over the last few years; so the theoretical and practical seems to be sticking a lot better in my head. There always does seem to be something elusive about what I’m learning, though … I can be jamming along to a backing track and hit into something that sounds amazing … but I was playing it so quickly, it ducks back out of sight before I can quantify what I did and reproduce it.

I realised I I definitely needed to slow down, take note of what I’m doing and apply the theory to the sound. Once you know why something sounds good over a particular chord sequence, repetition becomes a lot easier.

Best of luck on your journey too, Bob :+1: