Old forum monkey (Re-)Introducing myself

Morning all, from (for a change) sunny Liverpool, in the North West of England.

My name is Simon (AKA Wishbone … due to my lifelong love of the album ‘Argus’, by Wishbone Ash) and I’m coming back to Justin’s community after a long absence. Sooner or later, you just get fed up with social media distractions and decide to get back to basics: which is guitars, gear, and music! The louder, the better.

I’m 35 years into my guitar journey now … and still bloody useless :laughing: I’ve always been a casual player, but over the last few years (daughter now grown and seldom seen as she’s off out living her life), I seem to have found the time to play at least an hour or two every night and I’ve caught the bug in a big way again.

I have too many guitars, amps, pedals, cables, tools, gadgets and gizmos … and maintain and modify all my own gear … with a fair bit of knowledge crammed between my ears and in documentation I’ve saved over the years. I’m looking forward to participating once again and using what I’ve learned to help people along in their own journey.

Also, I’m looking forward to seeing old names pop up again … and have been misty eyed and nostalgic already with responses from old JG Community friends and new acquaintances alike. I’m looking forward to joining you all again, in our shared love for all things guitar and music.

Oh! … Did anybody else see what I did there? … I can hear the old guard laughing reading this … But just in case you missed it: There is no such thing as “too many guitars, amps, pedals, cables, tools, gadgets and gizmos” :wink:

Take care, and see you soon :grin:


Welcome back again :laughing:
Scouser, eh? :roll_eyes:
I’m a West Kirby Wool.
Wouldn’t surprise me if we were at the same gig when Wishbone played the Pacific in Birkenhead some years ago :laughing:

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Ha, ha :joy:, you will very soon have a well known IRL jam buddy!


welcome :slight_smile:

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Good to have you back, Simon. I joined the old Forum in early 2017 which I suspect was after you’d dropped away.

I echo your love of Argus. Living in South Africa at the appropriate age, we were starved of international live music. But I did see Wishbone Ash open for Nazareth, my discovery of a fantastic 3 guitaris band. And I could have listened to them all night long.

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Hey Simon - Good to have some new, old blood. I’ve been stumbling around trying to learn to play this guitar thing since JustinGuitar started, but for some reason didn’t join the forum until very recently, so we have never met, but it sounds like you’ll be fun to have around!

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Welcome back! It is always great to have people around who have been playing so long and are still at it. Good to know that my guitar goals of having fun yet still being “bloody useless” are at least realistic.

Yes, we are new, larger and modern, but I think there is a good core group and many good peripheral people having fun discussions and learning. Compared to other forums, this one seems to maintains familiar and homey feel.

Hello Simon :slightly_smiling_face:

A warm welcome (back) to the forum. :sunflower:

Great that you are back again after your long absence.
We haven’t met yet. I’m still fairly new here (joined in June 23), but I like the community a lot and I hope that you’ll soon feel at home again, too.
I don’t know anything about the old forum, but the new one is a great place to hang around, that’s for sure :grinning:
Lots of friendly and helpful people, very international, diverse, longterm members and newbies, advanced players and total beginners (like me).

Have lots of fun on your ongoing musical journey :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:


Hi Simon :smiley:, welcome back :hugs:.
35 yrs is a long time. I celebrated my 2nd Guitarversary just recently. So, I’m a newby, but very curious to hear some music from you if you like to share it here :star_struck:.


Welcome back Simon! I was not on the old forum. I started my guitar journey in late 2021 and joined the forum here in 2022.

I enjoy taking in the wisdom from those that have been playing longer than me. Would love to see/hear more from you!

My philosophy as well :wink: :guitar:


Not mine. I like the quieter classical stuff.

But I respect you guys. Honest! I do! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi Simon, :smiley:
very nice to meet you! A warm welcome to the new forum. A great decision to reconnect with the ever growing but really friendly and helpful community. I have only been around for a year or so myself (still a newbie!).

Your comment in the other thread about the “not so sensible” amount of gear made me smile - I guess I have some catching up to do myself :grin:. But seriously, your offer to help is awesome – that’s really valuable.
Speaking of your username, Wishbone (Ash), I love their dual lead guitar, too. Definitely I need to get a ticket the next time they’re playing live again in my region.

See you!



Come on, Brian … you know since your postcodes changed years back we call you Chester Wools, now :laughing: :wink:

Missed that gig, Brian … but do have fond memories of seeing Bonamassa a couple of times at the Pacific … great, intimate gigs, there. Then they closed it :man_facepalming:

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To all who have replied on this post with their kind welcomes, my apologies for not thanking you sooner. The forum software curbed my enthusiasm with a limit of nine replies within the first 24hrs, so I’ve been tinkling on my guitars and counting the minutes down until I could :laughing:

Really good to see so many people, so enthusiastic about the guitar journey shared … Thank you all.


Live and learn :rofl:
I live in my own bubble, now that the kids are grown up.
My only connection with the ‘real world’ is this sad platform :roll_eyes:

You’re going to burn out on day 2 :rofl:
The workaround is, you write one post with individual tags and comments (max 10 tags per post). Like this

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Aye … I’m starting to lean toward multi tags now … Comments and their replies don’t seem to nest in a way I thought they might, so economising is definitely the way to go :grin:

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Welcome back, Simon. I don’t know the old forum either, so I don’t know what I’m missing? I am new here, joining JG and the Community back in January 2023. Till then I didn’t know GAS was a thing. But now I already own 3 guitars, 2 amps, but not much else, yet?

I sure would love to figure out how to play an hour or two a day, it only happens sporadically for me. I did manage 50 minutes today. :laughing:

Perhaps I ought to go play a little now, but the hubby found a new Phish concert on You Tube, so…

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Hi Simon, welcome back to the community forum. I was learning with Justin Guitar back in 2015, but didn’t appreciate the value of the forum and only went on the forum to ask a few questions, so I didn’t know everyone on the old forum. Have fun and hope to find a few old friends and a few new old friends.


Hey! yeah… glad to see you went back on that further down your post :laughing:

Hi! and welcome again Simon :smiling_face:
I did poke my head into the old forum once or twice but that was not long before the change-over and I wasn’t really familiar with it.
The community is fun and supportive and great to be able to share love of music and guitar :guitar:

I love this! :star_struck: Thank you! Love to hear you play too :smiley: :sunflower:

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@LunaRocket … Thanks, Rebecca… Funnily enough, I’ve just searched my email account and have found personal message emails from members going back at least as far as 2012 … I think I lost a load from before that due to server migration … so heaven knows how far back I went on the old forum :man_facepalming: :grin: … I may be getting old :laughing:

@SteveL_G99 … Thank you, Steve. Looking forward to hanging somewhere sane for a change, unlike social media these days :grin:

@Avalon426 … Yeah … That was a definite red herring :grin: I’m currently on 8 guitars, 5 amps … and I seriously don’t know how many pedals and processors I own; a few of them, I built myself … some of them are duplicates, as I kept one stock, then modded the others. Add microphones, cables, etc into the mix … you know, I really should take an inventory :laughing: Sometime in the near future, I’ll dig out my mics and audio interfaces … see if I can’t get a decent recording out of them and hopefully rustle something up :+1: