Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

:rofl: Same in Germany. I’m not a friend of too much Political Correctness, as it makes a lot of things often more complicated as they are. And it’s often at the expense of humour. So, I see that completely relaxed. We say, (not very kindly) “alte Schachtel” in Germany and I was interested, if there is an English expression :wink:

which should be proved :innocent:

is there something you want to tell me?


“Ladys of a certain age :rofl:” Relax Rogier, this Lady of a certain age won’t disturb the old dogs in their thread. Pssst… See you elsewhere :joy: :wink:

I start practice now, in my music room, alone, without nasty dogs around, only Emma, my black labby. She understands! :wink:


Public information notice.

Short summary.
In English, the word for a male dog is … dog.
The word for a female dog is … bitch.

I don’t think we should head down that route for the female folk.

More elaborate explanation…

  • A “dog” is an intact male who is not currently being used for breeding
  • A “stud” or “stud dog” is a male who is being used for breeding or “standing at stud”
  • A “gelding” is a castrated male. This term is correct but seldom used anymore.
  • A “sire” is the father of a litter
  • A “bitch” is a female who is not currently nursing a litter, is too young to breed, or is retired from breeding
  • A “brood bitch” is a female in her prime and being used for breeding
  • A “dam” is a mother dog who is lactating.
  • A “puppy” is a baby dog less than a year old

There’s a Blues song in there somewhere Richard ! :sunglasses:

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Perhaps between you and @brianlarsen you can cook up some tasty morsels.


My Mum used to breed and show dogs (Irish Setters and Alsatians) and they owned a small chain of pet shops and a pet food wholesale business.


There’s you opening line right there. A Country Song, David Allen Coe comes to mind.
“I was Drunk the day my Momma Got out of Prison” kind of song.


@Richard_close2u Hi Richard, thanks for your more than detailed explanation! Be sure that my intention only was born out of a liguistic uncertainty :joy:. I was just asking myself, if there’s a specific expression. There was no intention at all to complain (as a woman) or to change anything, there’s not at all a feeling of being “excluded” linguistically due to the title of the topic. It was just out of interest. I did not think about the fact that indeed the word “dog” includes both genders. In German we have a word for a female dog, but you couldn’t use it in this context. :wink:

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Richard @Richard_close2u
Very interesting and completely off subject but what were your parents affix.
Michael :dog2:
PS that’s the sort of question only somebody who was interested in breeding and showing dogs would ask.

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Vylias Wendover

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This thread has ballooned out of all proportion!
If a genuine ‘old dog’ sniff’s it out and embarks to discover whether it’s possible, (s)he’ll be in doggy heaven long before cocking their leg on this post :rofl:

When moderators start suggesting dodgy doggy collabradorisations, amidst the finer points of breeding, the ‘Hündin’ is probably stuck down the rabbit hole :roll_eyes:

Pin a simple YES to the top
(or NO for all the old rebels :wink:)


I almost wet myself :rofl:
Bad boy,…down :service_dog:


I’m a 62 year old dog wanting to learn new tricks.
I’m definitely not cocking my leg on this post. I don’t think I could manage it even if I wanted to :laughing:


Hello and welcome to our community Mark. :slight_smile:

:rofl: It’s more of a sit down thing when you’re older. :smiley:


Clicked on a link in the Feb '23 News email this evening: several ‘trigger-happy’ mouse-clicks later and I landed in here.
I picked up a my first acoustic guitar in Spring 2020. After sorting out the wheat from the chaff on Youtube and finding a few gems like Justin Guitar, I’m pretty much self-taught.
I live in England, Thames Valley, west of London, and reckon I pass the age criterion. :smirk_cat:


Hello people all over this planet! Most of you are not nearly as old as you think! As an old beginner, I started with a nice Epihpone acoustic about 50 years ago - told ya. Picked it up again in the middle of the pandemic, and boy am I glad I found Justin. Since that first guitar I have always dreamt of being able to play songs. And I always kept that fire going, more like smouldering, since that day in 1969 when I was younger. When I finally got back to it, I found I had the time for it, the right teacher, and a nice used guitar, but was to discover that my reason for learning guitar had shifted a bit. When asked by a teacher who preceded Justin, what my goals were, I was a little surprised at my answer. It was to exercise and grow my mind, and to amuse myself by increasing my skills on the guitar, and potentially even music. And possibly even to sit with some musical buddies and jam a bit. Kick off a shuffle in E and let it rip together. No foolish ideas of playing in a band on a stage or any lofty goals, but simply expanding my mind and enjoying the time doodling, growing, and learning. So, that’s my gig. Learning and growing and having fun doing it. Any expectation beyond that is not on my radar. That being said, I was taught a long time ago, to go as far as you can see, and when you get there you’ll see further. So I am good with wherever it all goes. I can tell you that after a year with Justin at this point, I find it very humbling, but easier than ever to amuse myself with the guitar. And I know I am learning when I feel incredibly challenged on some skills. I welcome that feeling now. Justin is just what I needed for my particular goals. I get pushed a bit every week and I am loving it. My wife and friends are pretty impressed with my journey, and I have to say - so am I. I find it difficult to measure success aside from my amusement and pleasured, but I am forever grateful to Justin and his troops(and this forum of friends the world over) for entiching and making my life fuller. I have a sneaky supsicion that is what Justin had in mind from the start. Well done, Justin and all. Well done.


Great story! Welcome to the forum Mike and everyone else on here :sunglasses: !

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Hello Elixir and welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

It’s a great place to land and it’s full of great people.


Hello Michael and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

That is a great story. I love the bit about going as far as you can see.

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Welcome to another Michael :grinning:

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@KJPARKER28 @Six_of_One @annbin @TennesseeJed @Rob_48 @firebee @Elixir1253 @Fish821

A grizzly, gnarly, ruffled-up welcome to all you new old folks. Woof woof. :slight_smile: