Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Hi everyone :wave:

Here comes another “hello”, barking from an old doggie from Germany. :wink:

I’m a complete beginner and a newbie to this forum here. The last days I’ve spent much time looking around and just reading, and I’m impressed by the great and friendly community. It feels good to be here, and lots of posts and comments are very encouraging and inspiring for me. In fact, it is so much fun to read, that it had kept me from practising, to be honest. :grin:

Yesterday I discovered this thread here, and having turned 51 this April, I surely qualify to join in here :slightly_smiling_face: I’m very relieved that I’m not the only one among a group of youngsters, puppies and spring chickens. :sweat_smile:

Having started only a few days ago, I’m still in Grade 1, struggling with chord changes and rhythm patterns (and having lots of fun with all of this).
More than half of my practise time is always used for songs. The latest one is “Old time rock ‘n’ roll” by Bob Seger. This is a fun one to play along with, even for beginners. The tutorial is awesome, and I’ll constantly revisit this to improve my skills on this lovely song - and to learn lots of new tricks :wink:

After years and years of just playing air guitar under the shower, this is so much fun and it’ll keep me motivated for sure.

So maybe I’ll drop in here occasionally, and I’m looking forward to read about all of you and your progress here very soon.

Wishing you as much fun on your musical journey as I’m having - thanks to justin.guitar :smiley: :guitar:

All the very best from Germany :slightly_smiling_face:
Gunhild :lady_beetle:


Hey again, Gunhild! Since you’re really new I wanted to make sure that you realized beneath each lesson tutorial you’ll see a bunch of tabs, there will be one called Discussion where people have posted their thoughts/problems they’re having in that lesson. I’ve found a lot of good info in those and have asked questions myself. There is nearly always someone to help.

Ah, to be 51 again! :laughing:


Hello Rebecca :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you so much for the hint about the “discussion”-option beneath each song lesson. Very much appreciated :hugs:
It is very helpful to read thoughts and remarks of other students. And sometimes it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with a certain problem :innocent:
The forum is huge, and being here for just a few days, it can feel like a maze. I’m only discovering all the topics and features here step by step.
But everything seems to be so well structured, looked after and thought through. The team behind all this is amazing :+1: … and so are the members :slightly_smiling_face:

Cheers from the other side of the big pond :smiley:


Love to see new folks arriving at the kennels.

Welcome Peeps. No doubt old enough to remember this ?

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I’m doing okay, a couple weeks short of my 74th birthday. At this point, I’m not really trying to learn anything new, just get somewhat proficient at stuff I already know. I do work some new songs into rotation from time to time to freshen things up.

I still don’t let anybody hear me play. I’m not anticipating ever doing anything more with it than filling a couple of hours in the afternoon. Certainly not “performing.”


@LunaRocket Hi all! Turned 71 in June. I keep moving ahead with JG lessons, but I spend most of my time (~2hrs each day) learning songs, songs, songs. My focus right now is learning to play riffs, solos and highlights so that I can play multiple parts of each song. I recently met someone who plays and has done music production. He suggested we get together to jam. And he knows another guitar player who may be interested in joining in. I haven’t played with another person in over 50 years! It’ll be fun, after I get past the first session :sweat_smile:


My husband is the only one to have heard me play other than the community here when I posted a couple of AVoYP. No one in his family has requested to listen to me, just as well as I’d like to be a bit better since unlike a recording it you can do over and over, they aren’t going to stick around till I get it right. :upside_down_face: I think his sister probably thinks I’m wasting my time. Fortunately, another sibling thinks it’s cool as does his wife. And my sisters think it’s cool but they live 750 miles away so they can’t pester me at all.

I’m not planning on performing either, I just finally decided to do something I’d thought about for 50 years! And I’m enjoying myself.

Happy belated birthday! (my 64th was end of May). Getting to jam with someone must be pretty cool. Other than my DH learning bass at the same time, there doesn’t seem to be anyone near me though the local mom and pop store has a regular jam session every week, they have all been playing for years.

How do find the time to play for 2 hours! Maybe I shouldn’t be on here so often. :joy:

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Thanks! And a happy belated birthday to you, too. I see from your profile that you are from Worcester. I’m originally from western MA and went to school at WPI.

It is. The guy is significantly younger than I am and his musical tastes tend towards punk rock, though he likes the Kinks, too. Fortunately, Justin has a lesson on ‘Basket Case’ by Green Day, which I like. I’m learning that along with some Kinks songs that we can play as we find our common ground.

Well, not working a full-time job is a big enabler. I have a daily time slot that has become part of my routine. I schedule other things around it :grinning:


Oh, heck! I went to WPI, too. Graduated in 81 as a mechanical engineer!

And the Kinks are awesome. Saw them in concert at WPI in fact!

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'74 EE. The world just got a little smaller.


Hi, I’m Greg, I introduced myself further up the page. Born in '61 and live in Adelaide, South Australia. I’m self taught, with all the gaps and vagaries that entails, plus some jazz lessons from a very patient teacher. I promised myself I would work diligently through Justin’s lessons and create a solid base for myself. I’ve finished Grade 1 and have been in a bit of a holding pattern for quite a while as I try to properly learn 5 songs - having fun fun listening and choosing. I’ve also been happily reading through Richard’s absolutely brilliant threads on scales and modes.


Hello Greg, i to finished grade 1 and staying put for a while. I did just start with the ear training videos. I’m being patient yet pushing myself with my playing. Good luck!


I agree edwardc, I think that is a good strategy and rewarding in the long run.

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Hello Greg and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Slowly, slowly catch a monkey. Great that you are working on building a solid base.


I never touched a guitar until 47 years old, nine years ago, but have been having fun at it ever since, and proving to myself something I never imagined – all thanks to JG’s highly effective teaching skills and organized program. Bruce


Hi Rebecca,
I was going to suggest Wagon Wheel but see Shane beat me to it… it’s also done by Darius Rucker of Hootie & the Blowfish fame… it’s fun & not too hard to play, I use it as my warm-up song recently. Lots of good suggestions in the thread here!



I loved Hootie and the Blowfish. I finally got t chance to listen to Darius’ version, I really like this song, thanks to you and @sclay for the idea!


I love the energy of this song, yet it’s not “too” fast!!! Lots of fun! Glad you like it, Rebecca!




Ron from Arizona. I’m 65 and decided I needed to add a new hobby to my retirement so I’ve decided to become and alternative music composer by age 66…nah just kidding. I’ve started the lessons online with Justin and subscribed to the app and seriously butchered born in the USA today. I’m also going to be doing in person lessons with a local guitar teacher here, because I especially want any bad habits beat down immediately so I don’t succumb to them. I may have discovered that rhythm is actually something I need a TON of work on.

Anyway, saw this old dog thread and decided to just introduce myself here. Glad there are others out there trying to blow the cobwebs off.
