Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

I’m catching up so a big and warm welcome to all newcomers …

@Micksull @TDM5 @gary_V @Joey22 @DRM1310 @AndrewCSydney @waynep @Notatthetablecarlos @ItsJustMark @Sheshreds @Gordonsoul @DaleRogers

Old, not forgotten, and learning new tricks.
Living the dream I hope.

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Hello all, I’m Kurt in New Mexico, southwestern USA between Texas and Arizona. I’ve been a beginner for 20 years. Happy to stumble onto this thread for support. So many people make guitar look easy but it’s not. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m 57 and I’ve been stopping, starting again for 20 years! My biggest challenge has been consistency and sustained progress. Also, playing songs as no one ever presents a full song, they show the intro and verse and say “just repeat that for the whole song.” Maybe I’m too analytical but I need more than that, take me through the whole song. :smile:


Hello Kurt and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I hear what you are saying about the songs but I think that is done to help aid the learning process. The more effort you have to put into learning something, the more it will stick and once you’ve done a few like that it’s not such a daunting process anymore.


That makes sense but it’s just difficult at my level. But I have the Justin songbooks so hopefully that will help.


Hello everybody! As a newly-retired instructor, I’m a big advocate of lifelong learning; Justin’s gift of free lessons is a huge blessing to people beginning or re-starting their guitar journey.

I’m in my 60s and am an Arizona resident. I had a classical guitar during my college days but never took lessons, just around with 3-chord songs (C, G and D) and a simple fingerpicking pattern as a way to relieve the pressure after studying. All these years later, I’m now doing what I should have done back then—learning through Justin’s course, practicing daily, and moving well beyond three easy chords. I can’t wait to get to the place where I actually can coordinate strumming, chord changing, and singing—even with just one song.

I hope that someday I’ll be skilled enough to play rhythm with friends who also play—just for fun.


That sounds great to me Arizonadreaming. Get yourself a nice dog to go with the guitar and you’ll be all set. This is Denver who tolerates my
attempts on the strings.



Hi Kurt. If you have Justin’s songbooks you have everything to play a basic version of a song (if you have previously practiced some skills like the chords and strumming required for the song). Following Justin instructions you’re going to play an accompanying rhythm to sing along or follow a backing track (like with Justin’s app). Start simple, strum only on the first beat, slow it down, and play one section only if needed. Later you can use a more advanced strumming, play it at full speed, and mix solos and strumming, but first is playing the full song in the most simple way you can.


Excellent, thank you!


What a gorgeous pup! I have two cats, one of which seems to like my playing/practice, and one who seems to disapprove.

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Thanks Arizona dreaming. He tolerates my practicing as long as there’s a walk in it for him afterwards.


I second @dobleA’s suggestion of the App. I got it a month or so ago and I’m playing along quite well with a few songs and the being able to slow them down has helped tremendously.

And welcome to you, Kurt, I like New Mexico, haven’t been there in over 30 years though.

And welcome to @edwardc and @DaleRogers and @ArizonaDreaming and anyone else I missed!!

For some reason I don’t see notifications for this thread. I shall have to see what’s what!


This is such an inspiring thread!

I bought myself an electric guitar for my 45th birthday a few weeks ago (last time I played was in high school and barely got anywhere with it). Lucky for me, Justin Guitar was the first and only course I tried. I’ve been going through the first 4 modules and practicing every day for the past 2 weeks, and I’m blown away with how much I’ve learned in these few days. 6 chords, 3 riffs, 6 songs and all while loving every minute of it!

I love how Justin teaches practical and simple skills while sprinkling theory throughout it all, but most importantly has me playing actual music and songs in my first few days! This course, web site and community is highly underrated and I’m blessed to have found it. I’m actually hopeful now that I can rekindle my long lost dream and passion of becoming a guitarist and just enjoy playing music for myself and those I love.



So glad you found the path, Justin will serve you well. But at 45 surely you don’t think you are old ? Boy you are in your yoof still !! Enjoy the ride and reach out here when you need help.



Thanks Toby!
I guess I’m just a whippersnapper compared to others in this thread :smiley:


Hi Phil

I also use Rocksmith, probably too much and rely on it as a crutch to cover all my sins. I will be playing along quite happily but as soon as I turn it off and try on my own. I fail terribly. I have decided to go back to beginners course and work on playing songs without backing. I also find Rocksmith uses unusual chords further up the neck. Which is probably how the original song was played. But not suitable to beginners who just want to play a song that sounds good.


I am still doing my daily focused practice using Justin’s lessons, but in an evening I tend to pick up the electric and do Rocksmith for 30 mins, My accuracy is definitely improving. Recently I started looking at the lead path, which I was hopeless at, but am now much better at. I can sense that my fingers are starting to migrate to the correct intervals. I also struggle to decide which songs I want to play but Rocksmith just chooses for me.

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Hi Kurt, welcome! Where in NM are you? I’m from Albuquerque & I think you’re the first fellow New Mexican I’ve seen here!

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I guess I should do a short bio too. I’m a 60 year old dawg, still working but trying to squeeze in some guitar time when able. Got my first guitar about 35 years ago (still have it!) & learned about 6 chords. I’m an Air Traffic Controller, kept the guitar in my locker at work & used to strum the heck out of those open chords when I’d get a break but in a 30 minute break only about 10-15 minutes of play time & it was to de-stress, not trying to learn new stuff…
So fast forward to now, at 56 they make you retire from controlling but I was able to score a desk job & still working, juggling “life” & other interests , hobbies etc.
Found Justin online just about a year ago, I’m finally starting to think that this journey is going somewhere - the “Endless Beginner Syndrome” cycle has been broken…
Serious victim of GAS (why oh why do guitars have to be SO BEAUTIFUL?)… I keep thinking that just One More will make me better (NOT!) but they do inspire!
I have really, really, really (Oops, I think I just quoted Justin!!!) enjoyed this thread the most of all I’ve read! So many fun, inspiring & heartfelt stories here… just keep plugging away friends! Enjoy your road trip to new & exciting places with your guitars!



I’m starting to think we old dogs have run out of gas, (totally different from GAS) or petrol, or whatever they call it in your respective countries. So, how about a short update from everyone?

Where are you, where are you in your guitar journey?

I’m still in Michigan, USA (the state that looks like a mitten) and started Grade 2 Module 8 about 2 weeks ago. It’s starting to look like I’ll be able to move onto Module 9 in a about a week.

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Hey Luna, North Carolina here. Completed Grade 1 and staying put for a while. I’ve memorized the 8 beginner chords working on strumming patterns and learning songs. I must admit I don’t care much for the 1 strum a bar pattern so I do 4 strums per bar and try to add an and once in awhile. Contemplating starting the ear training class.