Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Hello Dave & welcome to the kennel!!!
The exercise Toby mentioned is good. It’s helped me except when I’m playing faster… if I don’t consistently concentrate on my finger movement, that little bugger doesn’t behave! Kinda like a 2 year old that notices when Mom & Dad are distracted… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
If you find a good solution, let me know!!!



Hi all, 69 years and just started on a second hand Eastcoast S300 electric.
First day challenge accepted learned Em and “played” my first song. Fingers are sore, but smile is fixed!!! So much fun, I’ve wanted to do this for a while, and looked at many online courses, Justin has a great style I just get along with. Going to start beginner module 1 tomorrow A and D here I come!!!

Question??? How long do total newbies like me put into a daily practice??


Hi Dave @davidhadley511964 and Robert @RobertJS

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of playing :sunglasses:

There is no clear answer to this 10 people is a 5 time different in physical building…make sure you don’t get any injuries due to fatigue or bleeding fingertips…I quickly reached the number of hours per day after a build-up period of 3(?) months of half an hour. 2 x a day…or something like that
Greetings from a puppy in thin kennel ,


Welcome, Robert!

Justin recommends 20 minutes a day at first mainly because your fingers are going to hurt till they build up callouses. Once you get callouses you can play as long as you want really, but as you’ll only know so much in at first, that would get kind of boring. :laughing: (that’s when you start hanging out in the Community and listening to music.). In Grade 2 he says 30 minutes but I was doing that after I got my callouses and now, I’m trying for an hour a day. Doesn’t have to be all in sitting.

And anticipating your next question, I spent 6 months on Grade 1. Already longer in Grade 2.

Also, I’m nearly 65 started in January of 2023 and am amazed at how much I know now! Justin is a great teacher.


Thank you for the welcome and support, yes it seems now on day 3 that finger pain is the limiting factor. !! No surprise there. It I’m also struggling with finger placement. Just can’t seem to get them to go in the right spot.


Yeah, that happens a lot in the beginning., especially with D for me anyway. Now I can play it with my eyes closed and very fast. Never thought that would ever happen! Just keep practicing and having fun!

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Maybe I’ll try closing my eyes!!! :joy:


Having any luck on the finger picking? I went a whole lot of different directions trying to find the magic trick & ended up upside down & inside out, I’m now back to JUST Justin & the Hansen’s Popular Finger Picking Guitar Method. Everyone has their own way & it can get pretty confusing.

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One minute chord change practice in the app is awesome!! 2 days ago I tried my first D to A and scored just 9, tonight scored 22!!! The practice sessions give motivational feedback!!!


That’s great Robert. I found the OMC practice a great help in Grade 1. In Grade 2 I haven’t really needed them anymore, but use them as long as you’re seeing progress.

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I haven’t read through the old dog posts in a while so I caught up today. I completed Grade 1 lessons and Grade 1 Music Theory, both were excellent courses. My strumming and rhythm aren’t very good right now, I have trouble keeping a consistent beat, so I started the Strumming SOS Foundations module last night. I’ll complete the Foundations module before moving to Grade 2 on lessons and music theory. I’ve already learned I was holding the pick incorrectly and my pick angle was wrong, too. Justin’s courses and the related communities are the best available anywhere.


Hi Dave,

I just started my 3rd year of playing guitar (just turned age 70). One of the first things I noticed when I started playing is what I called finger erections. For some unexplained reason, unused fretting fingers just pointed straight up.
I found practicing scales for 10 to 15 minutes every day, up and down the neck, slowly and methodically while watching my fingers to make sure they stayed close to the strings, caused impotence in my fingers. It also has the benefit of, in my case, working the stiffness out of my fingers before I actually get to the part of practice that I look forward to every day, playing songs. Give it a try. You might find it an easy fix, assuming you have the time.



I’m going to give the exercise Toby suggested a go and by the way your description of the little bugger is spot on.

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Cheers Toby, will definitely give this a go

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Hello. I’m Craig. I’m 61 years old and have only been practicing for about six months. I’m almost to the end of Beginner 2, but I had to spend about 4 weeks away from my guitar. My wife and I are moving to the UK. I think I’m more intimidated about jumping back into practice than I was just starting out. What’s the best way to get back into the groove? I feel like I should spend about a week just reviewing all the lessons I’ve completed. Would that be a good way?


I think that would be an excellent way. I can’t see how it could possibly hurt.


Hi Mark you are right but even going back a couple of lesson will help you mate you will soon remember where you are and you will enjoy it more cheers Hec

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It is time for a catch up and to say hello to the new arrivals to our illustrious doggy home. Woof woof.

Hello and welcome to the kennel. Your names now have their rightful place in the big list up top.
@Leigh58 @KennyB1957 @mfeeney0110 @REPRAHBOB @perfectlyGoodInk @davidhadley511964 @RobertJS @Ecronin2254 @ct2ewo @DeltaTyne


Yes they can because as a 72 year old rockdog I am learning guitar for the last 4 weeks and can play a view songs and riffs. So it is posdible to learn guitar at an older age.


Hi Everyone!

I’ve had a guitar for a bit over 30 years now. I learned a couple of songs way back in college, but never really progressed beyond that. I’ve toyed with the guitar off and on for a long time and have tried a variety of methods to learn it. Through some fluke of fate, I’ve found my way here and have stuck with it for about 3 weeks now. I love the way Justin teaches, coaches, and explains things.

I’ve earned by fingertip calluses now and I’m working my way through Grade 1 — currently on Module 3. I’m excited to keep learning and playing and meeting people and sharing.