Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?


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Three of these I made. 4 more.in process. Hoping to sell.some.of them.on- they were built to learn more about how eclectic guitars work.
Goals? Really not sure. Play Wish You Were Here?


Hi Scott @scottasaigon
Welcome here you youngster with 50+ :grin: ,I have no personal interest in saying it like that :roll_eyes:

I wish you a lot of fun here :sunglasses: and you have nice stuff :sunglasses:



Hello Scott. Welcome. :slight_smile:
I have added your name to our ever expanding list of woofers and barkers (up top). Enjoy the company of your new old friends. :slight_smile:

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Pretty guitars, and you made some of them? Awesome!

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OOOH, I just earned my 2nd year Anniversary badge. I knew I was coming up on 2 years sometime in the last week of January, I just can’t remember what day I actually joined.

I haven’t really posted much here recently, but this old dog is chugging along very, very slowly, I swear that for a while there it seemed the train wheels might have been rusting onto the track! But I’m finally breaking free of that rust, I think, starting to put in at roughly an hour a day practicing and beginning to learn new stuff again. I hope I can keep it up as I really enjoyed myself today. Been a while for that to happen.

So, how are all you other old dogs? Temperatures are below freezing here, as usual in January and it’s snowing. M big brown dog Kaylee is laying at my feet and while I’m waiting for my homemade chili to heat up for dinner, I’m lurking about the Community tonight, which I haven’t done much of this winter.

Hope everyone is doing okay.


We are in a bit of a January thaw in southern Minnesota right now, exaggerated by lack of snow cover. 50° earlier today. Back to normal cold next week.


@LunaRocket Rebecca, congrats on the 2nd anniversary with Justin
It’s been unusually cold this month in southern US and NC in particular
Not fun to walk dogs in 15 to 20 degree F temps ( approx. -9 to -6 C) at sunrise
Had to warm up hands before playing guitar :grinning:
Looks like warm weather has returned this week


That’s a daily thing for me in winter, lol. No way I’m getting up at sunrise to walk the dog though, especially when it’s often still in the single digits!

I read about the weather down there, that polar vortex is something else, it was several degrees below 0F here. -20C and lower. Brrrrrr I’m in northern Michigan so it’s kind of common up here.


Congratulations @LunaRocket Rebecca!
It’s good to hear that you’re getting a bit more guitar time in lately… sure do feel rusty myself when I don’t get much time in!!! Personally, i feel that ‘Slow & Steady’ is better than ‘Sprint & Burn Out’!!! :grin: Keep it consistent, keep learning & keep it fun!!!



55 and still still alive!


@Saintylad You’re in with the dogs John! :slight_smile:

finishing module 1 grade 1 - trying to jam along with Justin for a simple Dance The Night Away - go to pieces when music starts - its only a D and A chord - too much pressure - only 3rd attempt but finding it difficult !!!


Slow it down a bit at first


Hey Paul, @Simbadsdad
Are you using Justin’s app? If so, slow the tempo as much as 50% to play along & when you find that you’re keeping up ok, increase by 10%… rinse, repeat, etc. & before long you’ll be playing at full speed!
If you’re playing along with YouTube, you can slow the video as well using the settings gear button thingy!
Try it, you’ll be ‘Full Speed Ahead’ in no time!!!



That is a fast song … reducing the tempo is a great suggestion.

Thanks for the reply👍


Thanks i Richard

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BTW - I haven’t committed to the cost of the app yet - giving it a few months so I know I’m sticking to it and will then do the annual subscription - will use the money purine option until then and slow it down - good ideas all

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Will do - thanks

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