Onboarding Club | August 26th, 2024 Q&A

Q&A from the live session.

Question 1: Differences between the App and Web versions
Asked by Bmam: Could you mention differences between the App and the Web versions, and, in your opinion, the relative benefits of either?

Response: The JustinGuitar App and Web versions offer different features and experiences for guitar learners. Here’s a comparison:

JustinGuitar Lessons & Songs App

  • Portable and convenient for on-the-go practice
  • Practice reminders and progress tracking integrated with mobile devices
  • Interactive play-along songs with karaoke-style interface (exclusive feature)
  • Contains Beginner Guitar Course (Grades 1, 2, and 3)
  • Interactive exercises (one-minute chord changes)
  • Ideal for beginners and players focusing on song practice
  • Requires a paid subscriptions


  • Extensive user interface with larger screens for detailed lessons
  • Broader range of content, including Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced courses
  • Robust features for managing learning paths and tracking progress
  • Access to additional resources like lesson notes and interactive tools
  • Community features, Clubs, Approved Teachers, and Student Performances
  • Our premium products are only available on the wesbite (e.g., Practical Music Theory Course, Strumming SOS, Blues Immersion)
  • Accessible on both mobile and desktop devices
  • Most of JustinGuitar.com is free, including over 1,300 lessons! We’re supported by user donations. We also offer Premium Courses and products for those looking for more in-depth learning.

Key Differences:

  • The App and website don’t sync - separate accounts are required
  • The App focuses more on beginners and song learning, while the website caters to all skill levels
  • The website offers a wider range of features and content beyond just lessons

Benefits: Choose the App for mobility and interactive song learning. Opt for the website for a comprehensive learning experience with a broader range of resources and community features. Use both if you want an optimal learning expeirence.

Question 2: Alfio

How many song requests does it take to get a tune added to the JustinGuitar songbook?

Response: There’s no set number of requests needed to add a song to our website. We review song suggestions based on popularity and how well they fit our teaching goals. The more often a song is requested, the more likely we are to consider it. Feel free to submit your song requests through our website - we always appreciate input from our community!

Question 3: Pamela

Can you explain specifically how practicing a song works?

Response: Practicing a song on JustinGuitar involves several steps to ensure effective learning:

  1. Choose a Song: Select a song from our Songs Lesson library.
  2. Watch the Lesson Thoroughly: Follow the detailed lesson video where Justin breaks down the song, including chord progressions, strumming patterns, and technique.
  3. Practice Sections: Work on individual parts of the song, focusing on challenging areas. You can add the song to your Practice Assistant for structured practice.
  4. Play Along: Use the provided play-along tracks to practice performing the song in real-time.
  5. Use Tabs: If needed, refer to JustinGuitar Tabs to learn songs.

Question 4: Delzona

In your opinion, is the App more structured towards just beginners and simple song learning?

Response: Yes, the App is primarily structured for beginners, containing the Beginner Grade Courses 1 to 3. You won’t find courses beyond that skill level on the app. However, many students past Grade 3 still use the app for song learning. The interactive play-along features & interactive exercises are particularly useful, allowing you to nail song timing, improve your timing and learn songs faster.

Question 5: Jason

When making a practice item, how can we add a video from a Justin practice that is not already listed in a practice or a lesson video? Adding an outside video source.

Add the moment you can’t - we’ll take note of this for future development! You can always add a copy and paste a link to the lesson in your notes:


I just wanted to thank Fanny for hosting this session. Having subscribed to the app for a few years I finally understand how it works and the benefits it brings me. I’m not sure this is well enough publicised, I never previously understood the difference with the free website. Thought I was just paying to help Justin Guitar continue


Hey @MaffC, I’m glad you found the session insightful! We’re working on highlighting the differences more clearly. Thanks for joining. :slight_smile:

Hi Fanny,

I’m curious whether there’s a way to add a song to my Songbook (Campfire, Developer or Dreamer lists) that isn’t found on Justin’s website somewhere. When I was creating the lists in my Songbook on the Website, there were songs that didn’t/wouldn’t add. I remember that Dust In the Wind was one… couldn’t add it to my campfire songs. Why?


Hey @CATMAN62, right now, you can only add songs from the lessons available on the website. There are no current song lessons for Dust In The Wind. We understand that it would be great to add songs beyond those current lessons. This has been noted it as a potential feature for future development!


Thanks Fanny! Dust in the Wind is just one of several that I’ve encountered so it would be a really, really good enhancement! If this update happens, could you make sn announcement to the Community?
Thanks again,


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Of course. :slight_smile:


I see there’s another onboarding club date. Is this a essentially a repeat for people that didn’t make the first one?

Hi @MaffC - yes, the presentation will be similar!

In which case I will happily give up my space if someone needs it who wasn’t there first time around.
At some future date some instruction on the MatchMySound feature would be really useful. It’s a great tool but I find it hard to use.