managed to do 56 my first time, but I had a tiny bit of experience before doing this course
I got 16 in at my first attempt. I wasn’t going for speed, I made sure I was not hitting the top 2 strings on D, and the top string on A.
Hello all,
Do I have to lift the anchor finger and is it a good practice to lift the anchor finger from the chord while changing?
For example, I am practicing changes between A, and D - Both have figure 1 on the G string.
Also, is sliding finger 1 to the first fret from the second fret to play E good or do I need to lift?
Thank you for your help!
Welcome to the Forum Sotiris
No you leave the anchor finger down or slide it to help keep your hand in place as you change chords. You will find as you get faster at changes you may start to lift it off the fret board. Either way is good. Later on you’ll find that there are no anchor fingers on some chords like C to G