One year anniversary!

Congratulations on your one year! Just remember it’s not the rabbit that wins the race.

Early in September 2022 I decided to learn guitar. Bought a pretty mahogany Fender intro model and stumbled in.

I’m fortunate to have a musical ear and grounding in music theory, having played baritone and trumpet in high school band. Wish I had started on guitar rather than brass.
“Why don’t you pull out your trumpet and play something so we can sing along?” said no one at a party ever.
I am so pleased to have discovered Justin Guitar! Thank you all. Finished beginner courses 1-3 (though I revisit some lessons regularly) and cherry-picked some more advanced lessons. Daily practice on scales is worth the grind. I feel I am on the cusp of making music!
I want to mention that I’m a 65 year old lefty playing right handed. It’s cool to see a tangible improvement in the firing of the synapses between my brain and the right hand! Strumming with muted strings to Jason’s Spotify list helps a lot. Also consciously using my right hand for daily tasks (computer mouse, kitchen work, shaving).
In closing, I want to share what I decided is my next step: Learn ten songs well enough to play along with the record (oops, showing my age), and here is my list. Midnight in Harlem by Tedeschi Trucks Band is my favorite to play. One day I’ll learn the slide guitar part! Enjoy the journey.