OP Avatar beside topic please

I can imagine this could be quite tricky. Particularly thinking about a Topic to which you might make multiple replies.

Here’s an example from the old forums. Basically, if you’ve responded to a topic (at least once) there’s a little graphic that indicates that.


That shows that I had not replied to the “What we did before the internet” topic, but I had one or more replies in the “Being in a band takes a lot of time…” topic.

I don’t know how difficult implementing something like that in the new software might be, but thought I’d mention it since it’s a feature that I found useful.


There’s a plug-in for discourse to do this. See Show original poster avatars on mobile - theme - Discourse Meta

Which behaviour the mods choose to do is another matter. Tbh it’s easier for my brain if the thread shows the original poster, so you know who started what thread.

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Thanks for this JK.

Our community have spoken and all who have aired an opinion would like to know the OP rather than LP on the mobile.

@LievenDV Lieven is this somethinf a Mod can implement, if so I’m keen to try. If not, over to the Admins.

Edit to add …

Just checked Admin page and I don’t have the option under Customise, so over to the Admins. Implementing this, which seems possible having followed the link but I may not understand what is and isn’t, sure will make mobile users happy.


Has this been resolved? The reason I ask is if I look at the Latest section of the forum you can see all the avatar bubbles on the right hand side. Out of all those avatars the one on the left is the OP in case you haven’t noticed. I am not sure if that was the case from the start or has mods done something about it recently?

Are people happy with this or do you guys prefer something else on top of it?

I think that’s always been the case, Adrian.
The problem is on the phone app you only have one avatar of the last post, (which is not very useful as there may be many others since you last visited). It would be nice to see who the OP was :smiley:
It’s not important at all, but if it was just a question of ticking a couple of boxes, well worth it.

Oh I see nevermind then, thought it’s on the PC as well and tried to be helpful :grinning:

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What we all have to realise here is that there are several ways of accessing the site.
This is the view phone users have.

The avatar shown is the last person to post which is particularly useless.

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Let’s wait for some feedback from @LievenDV based on what was shared above.

This problem has been mentioned to Lieven and others from way back by myself and others. It’s my understanding Lieven passed it to Ben. Another problem is the “remember me” hasn’t worked on iPhone since the get-go and is a real pain having to sign in every time; one reason I’m not on the board much anymore. We were told this platform was great for mobile, but I still find some things were much easier on the old site. Hopefully something is being done to fix them. Or just tell us they can’t be fixed.

I’ve just tried requesting Desktop site and turned to landscape, this is what I got:

This is what I get on my iPad:

That’s set on Mobile site, doesn’t change much on Desktop site.

Interesting - the “remember me” just worked.
@DarrellW Darrell, yeah the desktop view works to an extent but if you click on someone’s avatar it truncates the info you can see, at least on iPhone
Thanks to the fixer of “remember me”.

I’ve been looking around based on the ideas and suggestions.
The “minimal” topic list is an option but it requires a bit of tweaking
There was another usuable scenario but last week some compatibility issues showed up when digging deeper.

From what understand, the requirement stems from Mobile use only but it seems that using it

  • everywhere seems like the way to go, right?
  • Do you guys want to appy it on all views or limit it to certain regions or levels?
  • do you want the starter avatar in front AND the reply’ers? Or is just the starter enough?
    (fexample: or me, only the starter would be enough to keep it elegant and the avatar is enough to visually identity for me)

My preference would be for the avatar of whoever created the topic to be beside it. This is only an issue on my mobile, as the pc shows it as the first (of 5 available) avatars.

I’ll re-state: it’s not a big problem worth spending a lot of time on, but would make me smile :smiley:

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@LievenDV Lieven I am probably off the deep-end and not understanding properly.

My understanding is that one issue is that on the Home page viewing Latest the avatar displayed next to each Topic is that of the last poster rather than original poster. And the reply from JK seems to indicate that this can be changed using a different theme.

Not quite following your summary/query above. I’m probably not grasping the full picture.

no worries, I’m just exploring scope and impact;
Since the initial question is a valid and useful UX improvement, I wan to check out how we get the most out of the idea and not take away other useful things while doing it. We might want to expand scope from “mobile only” to “everywhere” or have 2 similar but different changes for mobile and desktop. I want to prevent follow-up requests where we need to change it over and over again :smiley: | Expectation management ^^

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Ah well, if we’re putting in special requests, it would be nice if on the pc version there was also an avatar of the author right beside the question (similar to the old forum). I’m very aware there may be an element of ‘this is what I was used to’, but there are a couple of avatars that I will click on, even at a very quick scan, just because of who posted it (such as your good self, Lieven :laughing:)

I’m also a supporter of ‘don’t fix what ain’t broken’ so no harm done actually :smiley:

I suppose that, if you show the start’s avatar as first in the row, it is no longer necessary to show it in front of the topic tile?
(What I imply is: mobile: just starter avatar in front and desktop no avatar in front but starter avatar always as first in the row).

Showing it twice would be redundant.

To save retyping, what he said.