I be dreaming about crazy hair tonight … I think.
You did well… I kinda envied you up there as a newbie.
Glad to hear it went well, sorry I missed it. Hope to see if on you tube???
Toby, I look forward to hearing the Home Studio recording.
I am guessing now, you can correct me if I am off the mark, but I suspect we both suffer a little through network performance/connectivity challenges. After watching the event recording, I was a little frustrated by the overall quality of my segment, I can hear some of the glitchiness in it. In my case, I have a feeling that the connectivity between my ISP in Johannesburg and the Zoom server I connect to is a constraint. Maybe you experience the same from your home base in Normandy?
As for the tech challenges in the room. I feel your pain after spending a good many hours throughout the afternoon, after what was working 100% in a first trial went to 0% for no apparent reason. I got lucky and lurched my way back to 100% but I was getting hot ‘n’ sweaty, grumpy ‘n’ frustrated through the entire process. And given I’ve no idea what broke it, it could just as easily have broken in the soundcheck.
Your time and turn WILL come, Sandy. I am sure of it.
Once again, many many thanks to Toby for organising the event, Jason for MCing, Adrian for event and video production, all the performers for wonderful performances that showcase what our Community is all about, and biggest of all to the people who joined in the event spending two hours watching the performance, cheering everybody on, your presence makes the event all the more special.
Till next time, keep learning, practicing, and playing.
I know the ONE song I am going to play (no U2 fans that is not a clue, though one day I will play One the Johnny Cash way). I am saying ONE in caps because I am putting it out there that next time the performer roster will be such that veterans like myself who have played all 6 events will scale back to 5 minutes of chat ‘n’ play to allow debutants and folks returning for a second time to take more of the spotlight. Heck I’d even whoop and holler to drop off the roster altogether and take my place in the audience, to allow more people to perform.
Thanks for that David, I posted the dry runs in AOVYP late last night.
I don’t think it is an network issue, as the last 5 OMs have been fine and I’ve not experienced this level of degradation ever. The only thing I changed between events, was to use ReaRoute and as the dry runs show the new AI, Reaper and OBS were all working fine. The videos I had record via Zoom had slight crackling, so I suspect a settings mismatch somewhere. Sample rates in Reaper and OBS were in line, as was the settings in Audio Device manager all were 44.1k.
All I have found so far this morning is that Zoom supports 32k to 48k but I do not think there is a parameter to adjust it. So post dog walk I’ll start tearing things apart !
The odd thing was the Zoom audio coming into me was terrible, again not experienced in the previous OM. General internet performance was stable, while I searched for possible causes. Guess I was lucky enough to remember the core settings, to quickly re-connect the AI to Zoom but it took the first 3 songs to get something half decent level wise with what I could hear. And yes the eventual outcome was much better than I thought, as I was just getting sporadic feedback of my sound into my headphone and nearly impossible to keep track, worse than bad delay ! Much to resolve before OM VII !!
@SandyMusic Sandy thank you for those kind words ! At least I got to enjoy the show after Adi shared the raw recording last night. Hope this encourages you to have a go next time ?
Toby, are you referring to other performers audio?
If network plays no part then I guess in a sense that is good since it means the root of the evil lies in your setup which means you can solve it.
If at any point you want to test things out in Zoom give me a shout, we can make a plan for some trials any evening that suits you between 8h00-09h30 UTC+2. Hopefully that’s not too early in the Jenner household, given that you seem to be up later than I am. Over the weekend would be happy to be later.
You’ll crack it!
Yes it was the inbound Zoom audio as well.
I struggled to stay with it while Jason was playing (no offense @Rossco01) , so decided to drop out and try and tweak the DI levels while you and Rob played. What I did find, getting on to the end of the show, audio improved considerable when I switch to the default/system speakers and not the AI (headphones or IEM and yes I did say IEDs last night, that’s what they felt like!). I checked the properties this morning and see the system speaker was set to 48k. After I had changed the sample rate in Reaper and OBS I changed the AI properties as well, so the AI channels/input were also at 44.1k. So I have now reset everything to 48k and will do some tests later once I reload the Reaper Audio tracks I had recorded during the dry runs.
Thanks for the offer on a Zoom test, might take you up on that but weekend would be better, as my missus is still recovering from the problems following her booster. Morning not a good time. But if I get somewhere I can have another Madman Zoom meeting using my second profile and laptop, which you may recall from last year.
Internet was certainly ok, as I was reviewing the Never Lost Pentatonic just before I went into the green room and that was fine.
Don’t you just love technology ! If I don’t resolve it, I may open a separate topic and ask the question regards possible causes, as I am sure @Majik Keith would have a view !
I’m so glad you all had a good night. I missed seeing and hearing you all. I will watch the recording for sure …
Many thanks to @TheMadman_tobyjenner @Rossco01 and @adi_mrok for enabling the event to take place.
It was a great night and nice to see so many people there.
@brianlarsen What were you eating for your tea and how did you find spending the evening as Geraldine?
Great to read children and ladies that you had such a good time,
looking forward to watching the video…
OK Peeps
Thought I’d let you know the cause of last night interference storm would seem to be resolved. In true Madman style I have just had a successful Zoom meeting with myself (PC and LT) and passed Kellogg’s free audio between both devices, the main being Reaper/OBS/Zoom from the PC to the Laptop.
Seems that audio sample rates need to be consistent across the board. So all appears to be fine with all apps and devices now running at 48k. Well that’s on a pre-recorded project and should be ok but I might just push some live sound in to Zoom later to be on the safe side.
So problem solved I am going to enjoy the pre-release footage and catch up on all the audio I missed last night.
There’s no business like show business.
Well done Toby!
Does this warrant an update to any of the technical guide topics in the OM Category?
Let me think about that. It went mega haywire after I change the OBS sample to match my normal Reaper setting of 44.1k and I think its more related to using ReaRoute rather than ReaStream. Ironically, given what appears to be the fixed, if I had changed Reaper to 48k and not OBS I suspect all would have been ok !!
I’ll see what the next OM brings but by then I’ll be in a different ball game with the Trio+ all being well. Ha and no doubt a host of different issues.
Init great
I’ve added a link to the event recording in the first post of this Topic, with a link to a transcript of the Chat.
Thanks again, Adrian!
Thanks for posting the chat, David, since either the snow or the cold kicked me out at the end of my song. Thanks for all the nice comments, folks, I was not feeling too happy after my song. We are really and truly our own worst critics - I gotta work on that!!
The mention of Metallica doing Whiskey in the Jar got my attention. Gave it a spin. Certainly heavier, but perhaps the solos lacking the melodic quality of some of Lizzy’s? Anyhow, that led me on to some others. You can check them out here: What are you currently listening to? - #178 by DavidP
OK peeps, with yesterdays audio circus now resolved, I have now completed listening to the raw video Adi put out for review. I chucked a few sporadic comments in the chat last night but really did not get a total perspective on everyone’s performance. Adi’s feed froze on me a couple of times and doesn’t like to fast forward, well for me, so I missed the end of Jak and Holly’s AL cover and Jason’s closing song but recall it sounded good last night !
So here is my feed back on everyone. Thought it was a great success. All the “newbies” did really well and fitted in seamlessly, so I hope you’ll be up for another go in the future. Also big thank you to everyone in the audience, is was great to go back through all the chat today as the sets played through and see so much support, alongside the usual banter. I hope the show also inspires some of you for future Open Mics !
Jason – great cover of an old classic. Vocals on point as usual and great set up with the backing. Think I’ll be enjoying the Trio !! Well done, polished as always.
DavidP – Boy that was great. Totally missed most of you and Rob’s set. Great choice of song for you, well played and well sung. Was that some chorus on the play acoustic or my hearing ? Good to hear this unplugged. Lizzy version on my to playlist but just saw Adi Metallica comment, Mmm maybe ! Great cover of that old NY classic surprised it hadn’t been on your radar, you did it proud.
Rob – Your French accent is as good as mine ! Great song choice to make your debut. Solid R & B, solid rhythm thought you did really well and great tone from the acoustic. Sign up for the next one please !
Mike – Always a pleasure to listen to you and a wonderful choice of songs. Lovely picking skills, very intricate, impressive to do that and sing. Songs suited your vocals perfectly. Not familiar with the originals but who cares your versions sounded pretty darned good !
Adi – Great choice of group haven’t the Connells for ages. Played very well and nice use of percussion and majestically sung. Some impressive skills on display, enjoyed that immensely. Second song was great but I always forget the name. Wonderful rhythm, soft and fluid and creamy vox. And yo we get a solo well done sir ! Great job.
Stefan – Wow, for your first live performance that was great. Steady rhythm, well accented and great vocals to boot. Headphone storage unit, was unique ! I’m sure there was a great deal of duck syndrome but on the surface you seemed well relaxed and in control. Good vibes to you.
Geraldine – What can I say, Mad Mental Rule OK. A couple of words first, yeah ok Tolstoy ! I got the impression you were reasonably happy with the new axe. I can only say the intro was too short but I loved the syrup ! Blues is certainly your colour darling. That was absolutely barking but I loved every minute. Too entertaining to critique. Fazer overload bonkers.
John – wow what a surprise OM debut going for Blackbird and it sounded great. Nerves of steel by the looks of it and what a wonderful tone on your acoustic. Impressive intro to the online madness. At least you brought some sanity back playing after Brian. That was lovely, look forward to the next time.
Mari – Exquisite playing as always. So great to hear some JCM, boy its been a while. Loved the accents and pumping 8ths. Fantastic vocals as well, you often sell them short ! Love me some John Cougar, shame the plugged got pull.
DavidS – Plenty of tips on set up will follow !! Great intro bio and fantastic support for Justin and the Community. Thank you. Sheeren or Zeppelin ? No brainer you chose right. Super debut with a knock out song which I felt you did well with especially the Plantesque vocals. Hope you enjoyed taking part.
Jak – Huge kudos for playing Odyssey live. Wonderful fingerpicking and great tone from the guitar, beautifully played, sounds like you have a soft touch which adds to the tone quality. Holly singing again was great especially doing in front off a bunch of strangers. Really enjoyed the Raven would love to hear that recorded in a normal environment (non OM) but it came across well. Great melody and nice easy on the ear progression. You work well together, no surprise. Lost the feed to adi’s link during Head Above Water but it was going real well, another for AOVYP ? Need to catch up with Avril later albums, last in my digital collection was Goodbye Lullaby but she’s always been a bit hit and miss for me. But that sounded good. Great debut you two, pass on thanks to Holly again !
Great run-through and review @TheMadman_tobyjenner , glad you found the space to enjoy the show JCM has quite a few great tunes IMO, surprised we don’t hear more covers of his music. Thanks for the nice words on my cover
Nice job @TheMadman_tobyjenner and thank you for the kind words. Glad you seem to have sorted it all out for now… crossed fingers all will be good next time OR maybe look for some hardware based solutions to eliminate some of the internal piping required in PC and reaper.