Open Mic 06: Recording + After-Show Party & Chat

@adi_mrok Thanks for the Copyright check summary. I’m delighted that I scored 1/2 on singing a recognised melody and will claim ‘making it my own’ on the second :laughing:

@JustinGuitar Appreciate you taking a look 'n listen and offering feedback. Thanks for the comment on the singing. I commenced Chris Liepe’s Discover Your Voice course on Boxing Day 2020, and just about finished the 12 modules by Oct 2021. Then I ran out of steam and was inspired to produce another original. As for the last chord, yeah, that and failing to hit an Em7 in the chorus one time, constitute the two flubs in this performance (a personal best for sure). I guess on the last chord I was mentally so relieved to be through it without too much butchery of the two-finger G to G7 that I flubbed the last G7 to C/G final strum :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

Well now I’m curious what’s in the brackets after Everything reminds me of her? Also, it’s impressive that it detects the melody when it’s sung in a different key (Angeles was played up a tone but sung down an octave).

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Ha no red flags for Staind then ?

Hi Folks!
I had hoped to make it live, but was at a family gathering. You all did great and I was excited to experience the one off, live performances. It seems there still needs to be some more sourting on the sound quality issues. Even Madman lived up to his name and probably was mad over his issues. But, the talent showed through well and I hope to make it next go.

All the best and keep rock’n!


Just watched this and found it a really enjoyable 2 hours of entertainment. Well done to the organizers - @DavidP, @TheMadman_tobyjenner and @Rossco01. It is just incredible that we now live in a world where this is possible - so many people from all over the world - all doing their bit. It was excellent. I would like to say to @DavidP - great version of Only Love Will Break Your Heart, and @pikeamus - brilliant renditions of 2 very difficult Elliot Smith songs, @brianlarsen - just so original and enthralling - both in the introduction and performance. To @JakAngelescu - I loved your performance but noticed the vocals were cutting out at times - I had this problem and it was resolved by downloading the latest version of zoom - probably designed for open mics like this. Everyone was great - this was a really lovely open mic. Loved every minute of it - well done to all involved.

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Thanks Paraic, glad you enjoyed the event and my NY song.

This time round I had nothing to do with the organising … all Toby and then Adrian providing Zoom and recording, with Jason the MC.

Apologies I left @adi_mrok out of the organising credits. Also I am very aware of the song 74/75 and @adi_mrok you did a great rendition of it.

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Nothing has appeared Toby on my list, I only wonder if it picks up everything all just a summary? Not sure to be honest.

Haha no worries no offense taken, guys did all the hard work I only provided a licence which is all up to Her Majesty’s Government’s organisation :smiley:

Thank you LB. Yes you can imagine having to do a last minute DI set up when the show had already started. A bit of a curve ball that one ! :scream:

Hey who cares, know one will be knocking at the door !

Wow, is that really all!?! It was one of my ‘dreamers’ for a while, and I still dream of getting something that vaguely resembles the solo; that was a great rendition @adi_mrok

Loved all the performances, there are a load of things I want to look up now, such as Elliott Smith.

Great work by those organising and thank you everyone for a really nice musical accompaniment to my morning!

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(With Intro) and that’s it :slight_smile: Copyright owners

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@JustinGuitar Fully understood and it happens to us all…hopefully there will be plenty more you can drop in on. Thanks for listening and for the feedback, it really helps.

I get an odd sense of satisfaction from knowing my cover got a copyright claim.


Cheers for the listen and comments, Paraic. Always good to hear you’re alive & kicking, as well as keeping an eye on proceedings :wink: Take care

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Good to hear from you, appreciate the comments. Hope you can join us again some time in the future !



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I can offer suggestions if you like :laughing:
Seriously, you make great choices. It’s a real nostalgia tune- I used it on one of my 8mm movie clips here :smiley:


Man I’m so sad I couldn’t make it! I’ll make sure to watch the whole thing in the next few days, seems like a blast from all the comments I’m reading!

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I am 50 minutes in …


Jason, what a surprising slice of very-old back-in-the-archives retro from you. It was recorded by The Yardbirds as you say – and its pop leaning, a big jump away from blues roots, caused Eric Clapton to leave. It was written by a young Graham Gouldman who went on to found 10CC. The stand-out for me was your vocal, especially strong on the descending lo-oo-oo-ove part, and hitting the final syllable bang on pitch with a very controlled vibrato.


David, quelle surprise with the Whiskey In The Jar. I have an instalment of my Learning Log up ahead which will mention this song. I played it in a busking group and I always used to shout out that it was an Irish song, ‘where they spell whiskey with an e’. You chose some of the more obscure lyrics too which was a real pleasure. The whole thing was a pleasure. Only Love – what a wonderful performance. You rearranged the vocal phrasing brilliantly to suit you whilst being sympathetic to Neil’s original styling. God and steady guitar on both. Bravo.


Toby, you claim some disgruntlement with the set up and sound. Hey ho. That was your head space which is a shame as what seems to come across in the delivery are two rocking songs delivered with a real passion.


Rob, that was your first ever live anything anywhere? Kudos and good vibes. You gave that a great shot and got some groove going. Well done. I am sure that your heart, nestled beneath your zipper, was beating at double speed and your hands clammy. Those feelings won’t necessarily go away but will become more familiar symptoms of the adrenaline and with repeat forays can feed in to the performance. Well done.


Mike – two real treats from you. Every time I come across an Elliott Smith lesson or song somewhere I keep thinking I should investigate further. For you to say he is your favourite acoustic artist makes me think that even more. Lofty praise. Whenever I have watched you play your fingerstyle I also keep making mental notes to myself to get my act together and devote some proper learning time to hone and improve my travis picking. I can sometimes get my thumb to do the hard alternate picking pattern work, at other times not. I haven’t spent enough proper hours really developing the skill. If / when I find myself with time a plenty and devote it to making some steps forward on guitar it will be that and I will be thanking you for the inspiration to get it together.


I’m another who knows 74-75 from its saturated radio play in the UK when it was a hit. I see you have developed the percussive hit to help bounce the song along. Good stuff. A cool instrumental interlude too. Lots to like. RE: Society … you mentioned it as being on the soundtrack for Into The Wild. * Was it you that recommended that I listen to that (and indeed watch the film) back in the old forum? I recall someone suggesting one of my songs would fit as a song on that film. You have a canny knack of choosing songs that suit your vocals and keep pushing your guitar playing along a few notches. Good stuff.

addendum … yes it was … I have just revisited and found it … November 2020 you suggested my song Locked Down And Lonesome would fit on a film like Into The Wild, and B1rdland echoed your sentiment.