Open Mic 08: Recording + After-Show Chat

Thanks David. Regards the user name, unfortunately I don’t have a cunning plan! :laughing:
Thanks for the info regarding mics, etc. I’m toying with the idea of trying to do a bit of home recording but haven’t a clue where to start!

Thanks for the info Iain :+1:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ian, I suggest start a topic in #gear-tools-talk:hardware-software-recroding and share some context covering the instruments you play, if you are a singer, the type of record eg ‘live’ play and sing recorded in a single take or recordings over a downloaded backing track, original multi-instrumental songs, what computer gear you have eg PC/LT/Tablet and operating systems. That should be enough to get a conversation started to point you in the right direction.

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I’ll mibby have a stab at that next week David, thanks.

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