Open Mic 26 : Recording & After-Show Chat

Thanks to all performers and audience members for continuing to make the Community Open Mics thrive.



Live chat


It was a great night yesterday. Big thank you to everyone who performed!


Yet another great event with some super performances, glad to be involved as part of the audience.
Apologise to those who stayed on after me, in the after show chat, as I think @adi_mrok had made me co-host so the ā€œmeetingā€ closed when I bailed. :scream:

Roll OM 27



I agree, it was a great evening with brilliant guitar and ukulele performances.

Many thanks to all performers and organizers :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey, this was my first time watching an open mic and it was great! Thanks a lot to all the performers!
And I hope I didnā€™t do anything wrong, because it was also my first Zoom meeting (except for some Justin Clubs but they are much more passive for most attendants anyway) and I sure donā€™t want to disturb the event!
Iā€™ll sure watch the bits that I missed when I had to leave for dinner with my family when thereā€™ll be a video available.

Hopefully Iā€™ll be among the performers one day!

PS. Ok, I have one question leftā€¦ I assume that normally you keep your mic muted ( I sure did), but after the performance, you unmute it for the clapping and possibly short congratulatiuons, then quickly muste it again?


Hi Dominique, you are correct. We unmute to clap and then re-mute. I do hope you perform someday, it is a great experience.

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Now, I looked ā€œTheCluelessLuthierā€ upā€¦ hey, it was you who was playing and singing with your wife on the bass! I hadnā€™t heard that song in a long time (Iā€™m located in Germany), but I knew it well! I already watched a video before of you both, and I really enjoy your performances!
So, thank you, Mark, for your response and your music!

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Thank you!

FAO Everyone ā€¦ the recording is now up top


This was such a great night! Thank you everyone for playing, chatting along and just having fun.


Cheers Richard for posting the video and comments :smiley:
Funny the way the Community evolvesā€¦ Times were, thereā€™d be a stack of comments be now, from performers and viewers alike. Similar to AVOYP posts where there were usually hundreds or thousands of views for each one.
Weā€™re growing and thatā€™s good :smiley:
Iā€™m happy the feel of the OM remains the same as the first time- just a bunch of friends hanging out and sharing what weā€™re up to.
I gave more verbal commentary than I should have on the night, so will ā€˜put a lidā€™ on it, apart from sharing the memo to myself of ā€˜less waffleā€™ :roll_eyes:
Good fun as usual and thanks to everyone who contributed, in whatever capacity.
Looking forward to the next one already :sunglasses:


The Madman shouts ā€œthis is an injustice !!ā€. Your MC style is legendary and folks would think you were seriously ill if the blarney stopped or dried up. Keep doing what you doing Brian its an integral part of the show. :sunglasses:


Hi Guys. Iā€™ve just listened to the recording of OM 26. (Glad youā€™ve got rid of the Roman numerals, they were getting confusing. What have the Romans ever done for us. :rofl:)
Having said that, Iā€™m currently in a holiday apartment in Italy so perhaps Iā€™ll find out.

Anyway. What a terrific set of performances. The standard just gets better and better. Ukes, acoustics, an electric (with looper!) and a bass too. All that plus some terrific vocals and vocal harmonies and an MC who was born for the job. A cornucopia of delights. (Thatā€™s Latin by the way, so maybe the Romans did do something for us.)

As always, well done to all involved, not forgetting those behind the curtains.