Open Mic Livestream 02 - Xmas Bash - After-Show Party & Chat

In the past I’ve had this when I had a bit rate set a little too high in part of my audio chain*. It took me ages to find it and sort it out.

* It meant I was trying to push to much data into the next step in the chain, which was then having buffer overruns, causing all kinds of horrible audio artefacts

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Thanks for that Iain, what sort of numbers you have set up to get this going? I tried a bunch and failed but would be useful to know what were your values perhaps I missed those off.


Iain’s comment struck a chord with me, from way back when I started using OBS. I had to set the ASIO buffer rate to 512 to avoid audio break up. I used to run Reaper down to 124 or lower with no issues. Completely forgot about that ! Sample rate of 48k


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I’m using a different set-up to you downstream (linux PC, rather than Windows), and it was a while ago (last Christmas, in fact!). I do remember though that in the end I had to set a different (to out of the box) sample rate on my 2i2. It may be worth checking that?

No worries thanks Iain and Toby, I tried going up to 256 but still got crackling in. 512 might be pushing it with latency although I will need to check it one day.


In Reaper I get about 15ms in total, something like 7.4 in 7.6 out and latency is ok at that level.

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You managed it! :innocent:

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Thank you so much! I’m hoping the next OM Dan can make it into the frame :laughing: Although, he’s happy to let me take the spotlight on this one. Glad to find someone else who knows the Fratellis! They are one of my favorite bands and they are not very well known here is the states.

256 or 512 buffer size would add super lag… fine for recording but really hard for performing IMHO. I use 64 buffer size without crackling. I can’t see why a decent power modern PC would need such a high buffer size.

Getting a bit off thread now, but you’re on Windows right? Try experimenting with buffer size with the PC power settings set to high performance - if you’re not sure how to do that we can DM to try to work. There could be some PC config where it’s power management is reducing performance in the background impacting it’s audio throughput.

Been running 512 for the last 4 or 5 OMs. Seems to have been ok from this end. :sunglasses:

Good thinking there JK once I am back home I might ping you a message :wink:

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Watched the first half live and the second half the morning after but had no time to actively participate on the forum in the recent weeks.

Thanks to Justin&the team for organisation and as always, thank you everyone for performing. It is always a pleasure to see what people on the community are up to with this guitar thing. It was a wonderful evening and looking forward to the next open mic in January.

Also, an interesting discussion regarding OM vs. LS (joining the abbreviations bandwagon :smiley: ). Not sure where I stand on this, I am definitely not against it but need to sleep on it for longer to give anything constructive to this conversation.

Thanks again everyone, it really was a great show!


@glpguitar Indeed, and I think in a nutshell it is likely to be ‘and’ rather than ‘or’.

I have shared my thoughts, informed by some of the feedback/thoughts here, with the JG Team, and we will be discussing further in the new year.

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Rest assured I think the JGC OMs will remain Zoom. What direction the Livestreams take will be down to Justin I suspect. They are distinct and separate beasts.



What are people’s thoughts as to the pros and cons?

@Willsie01 John, I think fair to say majority here are supportive of the OM on Zoom format, largely due to the more interactive nature of the event. Specifically the way in which the audience can interact with the performers through audio and video. That is not possible in the StreamYard platform being used to host the LS event.

The LS event becomes a different and (I think) worthwhile event once it is streamed to a public, open audience, potentially greater in numbers than the OM. It then becomes another experience that some people will want to engage in, but much like OMs and AVOYP, not necessarily appealing to all.

That’s my sense and if we wanted to have a broader conversation about it (which would be interesting in the new year) should probably take place in a specific topic.


It was a fun event, I liked it. I’d like to congratulate all participants.

I had one general question regarding the open mic events. Do people that don’t sing also participate sometimes in these events ? For example, someone that play guitar over a backing track ? Is it fine ?

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@math07 All explained here Mathieu.

Short answer to is it fine ? Yes but there are certain criteria for the JGC Open Mic events. Those are separate to Justin’s Livestreams which if they take off may have their own guidelines. :sunglasses:


Matthew if you check any other Open Mic events from the past you will see plenty of people performing to BT only, including myself :wink: one before Justin’s special OM Edgar did Offspring song which was spectacular, I recommend checking it out!


Thanks @TheMadman_tobyjenner and @adi_mrok . I checked the criteria and the last OM. Indeed, Edgar’s electric guitar performance with backing track was great and inspiring. :slightly_smiling_face: