Original Composition - Get Your --- Together

Get Your — Together

Me and a couple of guitar buddies get together once a month and set ourselves a song writing challenge. Last month we had to write a song with a swung feel and I came up with this offering. All guitar, bass, rhythm and lead, I recorded on a Boss digital recorder and then uploaded into Cakewalk, where I added the vocals. The only thing I didn’t play was the drums, supplied by Boss. The vocal isn’t the greatest, I’m not a gifted singer but I make do…. much like my guitar playing. I just have to keep playing otherwise I loose my touch… I’m not a natural. The YouTube clip doesn’t have any video other than the clip art. If it’s half okay, perhaps give it a thumbs up. Thanks folks.



Welcome to the Community, Lee.

Well produced and quite a catchy groove.

I suggest you go over to Introduce yourself ... and share a little personal history, guitar history, and your involvement with JustinGuitar.

You sound a fairly accomplished musician, look forward to getting to know you and you interacting here in the Community.

Really cool production Lee. I love checking out original songs and this was an enjoyable listen. :sunglasses:

Thank you for the feedback Eddie. I’ve got one or two others that I’ll put in the community soon. I’ve been posting a few in Bandlab, but found it to be a lame duck so far as being played. I think the JG community page provides a better forum to be heard/seen by like minded people, and getting feedback and encouragement. Thanks buddy.

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Thank you for the feedback David. You’re right, I will do an introduction shortly, I’ve had a JG account for over 10 years but never ventured into the community before. I’ve only been doing serious songwriting in the last year or two, as part of challenges I do with a group of mates, I’m an “okay” guitarist, but I’m not a natural, I have to keep working at it. I’ve got one or two other songs that I’ll put in the community soon. I’ve been posting a few in Bandlab, but found it to be a lame duck so far as being played. I think the JG community page provides a better forum to be heard/seen by like minded people, and getting feedback and encouragement. Thanks buddy.

Welcome aboard, Lee :grinning:
I enjoyed your song.

You’re right about this being a great platform for feedback and encouragement but what you get out of it depends to a large extent on what you put in😉
Look forward to following your progress

Thank you Brian. Much appreciated.

@Knee_Wobbler I am rather partial to octave doubled vocals. Nice radio effect on the chorus vocals as well - suggestive of someone looking on and providing some advice from the sidelines!

Lee, I have not used Bandlab and only recall a few members uploading to it and linking.

All I want to amplify in terms of your hypothesis is the second part. The purpose of the Community is to enable learning and growth as musicians through sharing recordings and the offering of feedback and encouragement to each other.

It is not intended to be primarily about being seen and heard. For that there is YouTube, Instagram etc. Being seen and heard is a side-effect. You can read more in the pinned topic about AVOYP.

I am sharing this by way of context not intending any implied or inferred ‘slap on the wrist’.

Nice Tune, Lee. I like the groove, keep nodding my head while listening (a good sign!). :smiley: The overall mood fits well with the lyrics.

Good production as well, so all in all, cool stuff! :smiley:

No worries David. I agree with everything you’re saying. I needed to review my statement before hurriedly posting it. All good.


Thank you Lisa. I appreciate the encouragement.

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I enjoyed that Lee, nice production. I always appreciate hearing an original song.

Thank you mate. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hello Lee and welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed the song. I think you have done a great job.