Out of tune with a capo

Yeah I use G7th as well which works well for me. There’s a definite possibility it’s pushing too hard. I don’t see it in the thread but what capo are you using @Prof_Thunder ?

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Mine is an Ortega and I have just seen that its for a classical guitar, not electric. So probably I have completely the wrong type of capo.

I also have a G7 capo (for my acoustic guitar) and quite like it. It still sends my strings slightly sharp, but it’s usually close enough that I don’t have to re-tune once the capo is on.

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A friend of mine fixed the problem of his inexpensive capo that over-squeezes and make all the notes sharp in an interesting way. He wrapped a bunch of rubber bands around the hand-grip part of the capo, which counteracts the excessive spring force of the capo. He simply “tuned” the number of rubber bands until the squeezing force was enough to fret the strings but not enough to squeeze them siginificantly sharp.

A simple, yet effective fix :sunglasses:


@Fast-Eddie Nice idea. I might try it.

Interesting conversation.

My personal observation is.

I use a cheapo Kyser capo. No idea of the radius of it. It has a harder piece of rubber that rests against the strings. I just kinda assume it conforms to whatever radius fretboard I got though I think all my guitars are the same at 12. All I know is it works and works like I think it’s supposed to.

I use it on my electric, I use it on my acoustic. I only have the one kyser capo.

When I put it on, I’ll play some notes, some chords. If it’s out of tune, I’ll reclamp it on in a different place on the fretboard (sometimes reclamp it 2 or 3 times). Usually it seems to work best for me just behind whatever fret I’m capoing at.
If I can’t find where I think I’m in tune. I tune up with the capo’s best location for initial tuning.
I use a tuner for doing this. Sometimes a snark, on the acoustic I’ll use it’s internal tuner. Or if I want to be in best tune I use a strobe tuner.

To me, this don’t take so much time to accomplish. To me, it’s just part of putting the capo on. Any capo I’ve used over the years, this has always been the case that I may need a tune when I put the capo on.

In the years I’ve used a capo, I’ve never thought to much about this process as it just makes sense to me, that by putting a capo on will possibly cause out of tune condition. But not horrible out of tune so it’s pretty easy to just tune up against the tuner.

I’ll also tune back up, generally with a tuner, when I remove the capo. Specially if I had to tune up while using the capo.

Lastly, if I’m playing with someone else, I near always tune up with a tuner after putting a capo on so I’m for sure in tune with the other player.

This all seems normal to me. I’ve always used cheapo capos, never had a nice one so I’ve no idea if that makes any difference of not.


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Just tune up properly before you play, with or without a capo. That extra minute won’t cost you anything.


I will also recommend the G7. I use it on all my guitars with radii from 9.5 to 15.
The most important thing is actually ensuring you have a proper setup and intonation on your guitar to start with.


Excellent point. If your intonation is off, it will really show up when you put a capo on.