Parisienne Walkways #1 (A work in progress)

Hey Mari, I’m looking forward to following your progress on this thread :smiley:
Kudos for posting early on, when you are able to make it through, but requiring a lot of work still.
Lots of suggestions on what to work on technique- and tone-wise to help you on your quest, so I might as well offer my 2 cents as well: Figure as much as possible on your own. Sure, it’ll take you longer, but you’ll learn loads in the process.
Ah, I had forgotten about your ‘new’ strat. I was well envious back then :wink:

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Thank you @SgtColon . it will be awhile before I’ve got it all, but I plan to post updates that will hopefully show progress.

And thanks @brianlarsen . And you’re right, I waited until the initial butchering progressed to being able to make it all the way through for my first post, although the song requires a LOT of work still. And thank you for your input, that is great input. I listened to the song a lot yesterday and realized that there were quite a few short notes (almost staccato), so then I was trying to incorporate that into my playing in places. So yes it was others’ input to listen to the track more, but then me learning from my own listening. And I’m also backing up and spending more time on individual bends. This song is great for learning, not just for learning the song.

As for my Strat - :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you @Kasper very much for the comments, and the input, and to @DavidP for asking if you had any!! All the specific suggestions are great, but I think the biggest thing I get from your post is the idea of ‘make your solo sing’ (which you did a might fine job on for that Deep Purple track btw!). ‘Make your solo sing’ speaks to being able to go beyond the notes and the technique to the heart, which you do so well. Thanks for that input.

It was actually @TheMadman_tobyjenner who mentioned Kasper, Mari, my input was that @MikeSebastianP has also done some Gary Moore covers that sound just like the original to me.


Well there you go, thank you @TheMadman_tobyjenner !!! :smiley: