Thanks for the replies, Ken
My thought would be that the opposite may have happened. You are right that people do respond inappropriately to some critical feedbacks, and then my suggestion would be to ignore it and leave it to the Mods to deal (we do the best we can to manage such misbehaviour).
Richard has answered many of the specifics already related to the App, the TABs subscription, and the way in which this lesson is presented in three parts.
This may be helpful, maybe not … perhaps it would be helpful to share some recordings of your playing. I know you said you’d played before but getting a better sense of your playing, songs you’ve got under the fingers, etc may help us to provide more practical help.
My sense is that you looking for more than just grade 1 & 2 strumming to songs in the App and not yet at a level to be able to learn from a lesson series like Patience that is pitched at a more advanced level where Justin provides guidance and expects people to also figure out some of the application themselves. If you watch the lessons for the songs he recommends for beginners I think you’d find his approach is a little different.