Paul Allwood February 2025 - Green Day + Pink Floyd + Alice In Chains

Thanks Brian.

As with most songs I try to learn, this one is another work in progress. I re-listened to the original after recording it - I really need to slow it down quite a lot.

I didn’t learn this from one of Justin’s lessons - I couldn’t find any Alice in Chains.


Keep on going Paul and you are going to be our super rhythm guy mate well done again man cheers Hec

Paul, I also enjoyed the video performance of Wish You Were Here better than the audio. I thought the sound was a little cleaner, with better tone balance between highs and lows. There were a few things that could be cleaned up in transitioning in and out of the solos, but it is a lot better than I could do, so I can’t add too much more than to say well done.

Paul, you have made good progress on the Nutshell by Alice In Chains. You have very clean picking in the solo or riffs up the neck. I don’t know the song so I can’t add any advice.

Thanks Hec

Thanks Steve

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