Pedal power question

Is it possible to power more than one pedal (say distortion & looper) from one power supply?

Do you have something like this in mind?

I’ve never used anything like it but it seems to be a thing. Probably others could advise whether having too many pedals can increase the likelihood of hum or other noise getting in the signal chain. Maybe these things can be powered by a battery as well?

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I have been using this one for a long time, just under 12 euros…


I use the exact same type as @roger_holland currently. Inexpensive and works great for me.

I may look into a power supply like @Jozsef showed at some point if I end up adding any other pedals to my board, but if you are only powering a couple of pedals, I wouldn’t see the need to go that route. Something like Rogier showed you will work just fine.

This is the one I use currently.


Ad above yes but each pedal will use up some power and the power supply will only cope with so much.

So just make sure the amps the pedals add up to is less than the supply’s ability

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Also, those daisy chain power cables are notorious for introducing noise, especially if you have high power pedals, or digital pedals.

They can work fine, but they can also be extremely problematic.




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Others have you covered Stuart.
The daisy chain one or the multi out versions.

I got one of ea.
I use the daisy chain one for when I take my amp outside and just gotta have a pedal. I’ve not done more than 2 with that version for fear of introducing the noise others have talked about.

I use the MXR dc brick for inside where all my gear is always connected. They come in various amounts of outputs so ya can get one that’s proper for you.

They both work fine for how I use them. Don’t think I’d hook up a gob of pedals to the daisy chain one though.
fwiw, I have the dc brick connected to a power strip so I can power it on and off as when it’s plugged in, it’s on.

So for your use, imho, get either or. 2 pedals works fine with the cheaper daisy chain version. At least I’ve not got noise from mine when using it to power 2 pedals. I’m not pushing my luck though and have not powered more than 2 even though it’s capable of more than 2.

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As with all things guitar related there’s many options and to an extent it depends what you want to spend. Even when you get into the realm of power bricks there’s levels because the cheaper ones don’t typically have isolated outputs. Mostly this won’t be a problem but is something to be aware of.

Personally I went overkill for the few pedals I currently have with an 8 port isolated Fender power brick (plus Fender pedal board) but at least I know I won’t out-grow it anytime soon and as a bonus it even copes with the reverse polarity fuzz pedal that own!

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I have the same type that @roger_holland mentions but mine is the Snark brand. I usually have 3 hooked up at a time. I think it has room for 5 or 6.
They are cheap $20USD.

But like has been said by others, noise is the issue with increasing amounts and depending on types of pedals, so I have heard.

I also belive most pedal boards have better quality integrated, I would think the good ones have noise buffers. But I am a noob so, I am not sure.
:metal: :smile:

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I use this one for my beginner basic pedal board and it works perfectly.

It is hidden bellow the board and it’s powering four pedals at the moment… but I still plan to get the chorus pedal :shushing_face:


Many thanks to all that responded. Given me a bit to think about!


Thats a cool looking power supply. Very beefy.

Nice pedal rack as well

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When I was researching pedals, power supplies, etc, I saw a lot of people recommending this for a power supply:

It felt like a lot of money to me for just starting out with pedals, though, so I ended up going with the cheaper Donner one that @jozsef linked. I’ve currently got about 6 pedals hooked up to it and haven’t noticed any real issue with it.

I completely understand this point of view. I wrestled for quite some time before buying my Fender power brick. I think we like spending money on the fun things like guitars and amps but it’s much harder to convince yourself to spend equivalent money on things like good cables and power supplies :joy:

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Exactly! :laughing: It also felt off spending more money on the power supply than any of the pedals I was planning to power with it.

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For the longest time, the Pedal Power units were the main game in town and amongst the best you could buy. I have a Pedal Power Digital unit I purchased around 6-7 years ago. It’s a great unit and the Pedal Power stuff is, of course, still good.

But, in the last few years, there’s been in influx of excellent pedal power supply units which compete, or even exceed, the capabilities of the Pedal Power units. Personally, if I was buying a pedal power supply today, it probably wouldn’t be a Pedal power unit.

The moral of this is: “popular” is not the same as “good” or “best value”.

And that’s a shame because some great alternatives often exist.

The trouble is, as humans we are tribal by nature: if we purchase or otherwise invest in a piece of gear, software, etc. then, if we enjoy it we tend to recommend it, even if we’ve not experienced (many) other options. And if we’ve spent a lot of money on it, we tend to be even more invested: we want others validate our purchase.

And I’m no better than anyone else: I have limited experiences, but I still recommend things I have experienced and like.

On the other hand, I’ve fallen into the hype trap and purchased things I regretted as well.

The Pedal Power Digital wasn’t one of those, but I think there’s better options now.




I’ve been very happy with this. Rechargeable is the way to go IMO.

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