People Don’t Like Making Music? Another AI artificial intelligence topic

AI tech trying to make more and better? musicians… Yeah right…

How does this help?


I am so tired of tech bros.


it will help their bank accounts relying on the lazyness of people to actually learn to play an instrument ( or write their own text etc etc )

its 0 % creation

@Richard_close2u @LievenDV @DavidP
Hi Guys. I think we need a section for AI related content. Posts on this subject are popping up in threads all over the place.


We have had plenty of AI topics recently.

Can people either use one of the existing topics or refrain from posting.
It has caused some heated argument that has had to be moderated.

The JG team are aware that at some point, a general community guidance on AI will be useful. We are not there yet.

Please don’t continue to poke the hornet’s nest with controversial posts on either side of the debate.

Thank you.


Critical questions arise and to be honest, we, as “JG Team”, still have to come up with some kind of fitting manifest and guideline.

Though, This post doesn’t really promote AI content but it’s more of a meta subject.

@Richard_close2u perhaps we should merge some threads into a “AI content discussion thread” ?


Perhaps we could ask AI to write a coherent AI policy for Justin Guitar.


Enough said.


It was not my intention to cause a commotion. I was not aware that there were already so many topics on this subject. On the one hand, it is something that causes quite a stir, apparently. Although I don’t see how this is a controversial post, I will not be posting anything, related to or referring to, ai in the future. But doesn’t this avoid the discussion?

It’s not avoiding discussion - this particular horse has already been flogged to death, go and look at the other threads. People have aired their views and if there’s one thing sure about internet forum “debate”, no one will change their minds (in either direction) and it will only get more bitter

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Ah ok. Didn’t know that. That comes from not regularly visiting the forum, i’m afraid. Times i checked in recently, i didn’t see any posts relating to this.
So ok, no more posts about this thing. Well, not from me anyway.

P.S. As I post this, my eye falls on the bottom of my screen. What do I see? 2 topics with AI in the topic… I should have known…

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I fully understand that my comment can be seen as being directed at you as topic starter.

Genuinely, it was not.

It was a general plea to the community not to air their differing and strongly-held opinions in another AI related topic.

We have had multiple topics recently in which some ill-feeling arose.

I was pleading the case for a simple and courteous of accepting the differences and avoiding the triggers that might provoke further confrontation.

It was also a reiteration of the fact that the JG team are engaged in a discussion about the potential need for an explicitly stated guideline pertaining to the sharing of AI generated content in the Community.

There is no intent to close down healthy debate. There is a concern that things do not derail to the degree that more moderator involvement is necessary.


Ah ok. I understand now.
Thank you so much for the clarification.

Is there a place where someone can place their thoughts on all of this? Or is this still in consultation with the jg team?

I have placed those I could immediately find into a new, temporary sub-section.

There may be other topics I have overlooked because AI is too short a term for the search tool to find.

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Ok. I’ll have a look there. Thank you!!