Peter’s Jazz learning log

Don’t know when that record was released, Peter. Can’t recall if it came with us from England when the family emmigrated in '74, quite possibly. But maybe bought in SA. Certainly I was listening to it in the 70s.

Yeah, the blues without bends and vibrato is not really blues. More just a 12 bar shuffle with some phrases and lines that follow the chord tones. That said, I’d be happy to play that and probably have enough skills to do so. Some simple licks and phrases given no bends and fancy stuff :rofl:

I’ve been working on Night and Day. Not literally night and day but the Cole Porter song Night and Day. There are two A sections in C and the B section changes key to Eb. As per Justin’s route, I am learning the melody and the chords separately, this is the former. There are a lot of chromatic runs and the note G features a lot:

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