I mentioned I was working on this family & friends project last week in my LL, after performing it solo at my local arts centre.
Today I killed the beast. (Yes, I stabbed it with my steely knife! )
Although it’s a bit quicker than the original, and I ended up removing one of the two instrumental parts that I had envisaged, due to lack of volunteers stepping forward, it still clocks in over five minutes
I asked my nephew to provide some ‘dissonance’ in his piano playing, and he made his uncle happy.
The video is borrowed from a short film by my brother Hans’ friend, Conor Ferguson. I usually don’t ask for permission, but have the artist’s green light this time, as long as it’s not for commercial purposes, haha
There’s no connection between the lyrics (about working in the Harley Davidson factory in York, Pennsylvania) and the drug-addled old-folks in the film, but I like the combination.
If you want to catch Chris, Tor and me live, we’re on Justin’s Christmas bash tomorrow evening.
Have a nice Christmas
(and not too many ‘smiley faces’ over the holidays, please)
Enjoyed that Mr L, having seen it pop up on the YT feed. Not a song I knew but as usual a really good colab and production. Interesting vocal approach from your good self my man, worked really well. I am a little worried about who might have been building my Low Rider as I think it hails from the factory you mentioned, will have to check.
Look forward to seeing you and the gang tomorrow. Yes I may well be dropping in ! I might not like the set up from a performer perspective but it will always be good audience fodder.
Tomarra Lah !
Nicely done Brian & crew!
As always, very enjoyable and super creative. I especially enjoyed the piano in this one. You always manage to get a good balance between all the instruments in your mix
The editing of the visuals with the music was spot on here too. Really liked the little pause in the music and how it lined up with the video.
Will be looking forward to catching you guys on the live stream tomorrow! I’m hoping to be able to watch a good percentage of the show live. May have to bow out early, but if you are on in the first half, I’ll at least be able to help cheer you on in the comments
Entertaining as always Brian and the piano worked really well on this track. With regards to the video I can’t decide if I like it or am disturbed by it . Just kidding but maybe a little of column A and a little of column B
. Great job as always!
nicely done, Brian. Always just that little bit different
loved the sound, great production all round
Good luck tonight, I’ll be watching
Hi Brian and the rest
There’s a lot to like there… … noo
that is all to like
The song has a beautiful relaxed rhythm/flow and the extra low parts with your voice come out really well… piano by mentioning gets extra attention and deserves it…nice video…I stop now because i sayed all to like …busy busy
I could use a smiley face like that during the holidays (never tried before)…I don’t think I’ll make it tomorrow, this weekend my mother is celebrating her 80th and we don’t have to do almost anything for that, but it’s okay anyway. busy tomorrow…maybe
Ps: music and the quality is of course better than the you are alone on the stage video , but seeing you play gives (strangely enough ) a lot of added value
@TheMadman_tobyjenner, Hehe, you did pop into my head when recording this
I only discovered the Hog connection after deciding to cover the song. I always presumed the ‘Davidson’ was wordplay for JC, y’know a biblical ‘from the House of David’. I suppose that’s the point.
Might see you this evening
Aw, thanks Jen @Jenndye429 ,
You know only too well the fun and games of herding cats in a band, as well as the highs and lows of watching a production come to fruition It can be hard to find the right balance for all the instruments. My brother messaged me with the penultimate version pointing out you couldn’t hear the drums. The one before that I had muted Chris’ mandolin and you couldn’t hear Tor’s bass
Always handy to have extra ears…
Maybe I should practice my song for this evening if all my buddies will be watching… Oh no, there’s no point, as Chris and Tor won’t be showing up till soundcheck
Always a pleasure to hear from you, @Eddie_09
I just always presume I’m on the same wavelength of any Paddy of my generation (speaking of which, where’s @Blobbyblob?
The video could have been taken from any Irish household from our grandparents’ generation. My gran had the same tea-set and handknitted throw over the sofa. Mind you, I don’t think she did much Molly
Thank you Craig
It’s funny- for someone determined not to be ‘one of the sheep’, what I do and say is often determined precisely by the consensus
Ah, Rogier @roger_holland,
Thank you for dropping by; Much appreciated
I thought perhaps we had said enough yesterday to carry us into the next year
Give your mother Happy Birthday wishes from me
(She probably deserves to go on the ‘canonisation’ list along with your missus )
Well that was something else entirely, Brian. Great musical arrangement and timing, and you have just the right somber voice to sing about grandpa and grandma tripping out on ecstasy. The sort of plodding rhythm reminds me of John Lennon’s Working Class Hero.
Brian does it yet again, drops another absolute gem!
I say it every time I’m just gobsmacked by your creativity! I got a bit of ‘8 miles high’ vibes of it in parts, most enjoyable for sure; well done mate, you’re a diamond geezer!
Congrats to the lot of you an this masterpiece, very well put together and great performances from all
Brian, you truly do mine the seams that no other subterranean musician dares to venture down and strike with their axe.
It could be said of you - he never knowingly gives the people a mainstream slice of happy-clap-and-sing-along party-pop!
Very enjoyable watch and listen. Christmas with Ebeneezer, that could be interesting.
very entertaining and creative as ever, Brian
Great production and loved the video
Loved your performance in the Christmas live stream OM too
Cheers, Michael @mfeeney0110
As a kid, I loved George for his looks. As a young man, it was Macca for his musicality and bonhomie. As an older git, it has to be Lennon for his cutting wit and wish to change the world.
Much appreciated @DarrellW , you’ve only ever been positive about anything I’ve shared (I’m starting to smell a rat! )
Hehe, I’ll be coming up Down Under soon!
Hans saw that reply and suggested happy-clappy party-pop for the next one!
Thanks for last night
Or as Jarvis might say: Sorted for E’s & Whizz!
Thanks Jasmine, and cheers for watching the stream. Keep your eyes peeled for Skyscraper Stan. He tours!
Hi Brian. As always, it’s totally different and very creative. I really enjoyed the song (never heard of the song or band of course ) and I thought your vocal was great and came over really well. Super piano play from your nephew too and the mix sounded good to me.
You’ve become a bit of a master at managing these family and friends ‘herding cats’ productions.
I listened to the recording of the Christmas OM special this morning. Lots to enjoy there and of course another inimitable performance from you and your gang.
Well done my friend.
Aw, what a positive criticism, Gordon- Thank you
I only discovered after we finished that my brother throws his son a couple of bob to play the piano for his uncle’s projects Even worse, he shared it on the group chat where Tor participates…
Ta also for the thumbs up on the OM on Friday- I discovered yesterday that one of our Community members lives in the village just a couple of miles away. Hope to meet up in the New Year
Have a lovely Christmas with friends & family x
Hiding in the shadows Brian.
That’s a work of art. Great listen as always and the video, what can I say. Great production. Happy Christmas to you and yours.