Pinch harmonics... finally!

I have been trying to figure out how to achieve pinch harmonics for quite a while now. I have read stuff, watched videos etc etc, but could never get it right. I have tried different picks, and I started using smaller, thicker picks when i started trying to play more lead guitar.

This evening I was having my usual practise session and got a bit of a squeal. I stopped and checked the pick position and there was just a tiny bit poking out between thumb and finger and upon further investigation, if I move my hand backwards and forwards i can get the harmonics reasonably regularly. It’s taken ages but seems i have finally got it… yay!



now all the squeals


Nice one Ross.
Go the squealies!

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Sweet! That is a tough one.

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My solution was my POD Go :rofl: They’re not something I have sought out in the past but I would accidently trigger one on my Mustang III now and then - thinking ooh how did that happen. When I switched to the POD they were popping up all other the place :crazy_face: so I now have to be very careful when picking ! One day I’ll use them in licks and solos or at least try and use them properly ! Have fun Ross.


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Yay! Nice one! Congrats! :smiley:

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Nice one Ross, turn the gain up that helps!
Now go play some ZZ Top :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is something I need to practice as I’ve never managed it before. I’m learning Comfortably Numb and the 2nd solo starts with a PH so it’s time to try to nail it.

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I love me some pinch harmonics, maybe too much at times:
Lemon Blossom Morning
They are almost unavoidable if you really dig in with a Dunlop Jazz III pick. It’s a great pick for lead play and should be in every lead players pick bucket.

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Hi Husker. It was one of my reasons for learning them too. I learnt the first solo but not the second one because of the ph. Finally learning it and not as bad as i thought it would be

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