I’ve tried doing the things you successful people are doing and continue to get the first welcome message. Can someone please give me more guidance, even the Dalek himself
Hi Maggie
I’ll try and help. You should have a greeting message from
discobot you need to bookmark that message.
There are 3 dots … beside the heart and link icons
the book mark icon is in there.
Once you bookmark the message tap you avatar and in the
drop dowm window you will see the bookmarked message.
Tap it and discobot will message you again.
It will ask you to say start tutorial.
Type start tutorial in your reply to discobot
This should start the tutorial the just keep typing what ever it
Tells you to.
Hope that helps
Maggie, I must say, it was not obvious to me initially what to do with Discobot to launch the tutorial. I’ve nothing to add to what Stitch as said. I hope that helps to resolve the frustration.
That said, it may be unfair to say the tutorial was underwhelming but it is quite basic and you’ll find you’ve figured out most things already through a process of play. Probably most useful if done first thing. In which case, it being a little more obvious would help.
Thanks so much stitch I was missing the bookmark step. Right now I’m being taken through a very boring series of tutorials of stuff I know, but that’s OK. I’ll try finding a tutorial on something I don’t know now.
I’m stuck at the flagging inappropriate post section of the tute. Tried 3 times, I’m so sorry for Lieven getting this spam. Going to leave it for today. Thanks again for your help stitch.
@DavidP Haven’t learned anything new other than how to interact with an alien. From my experience so far I have to trawl through the tutorial doing what bot tells me to even if it’s not what I’m looking for. What I really want is a menu listing the topics eg I want to learn how to use tags.
@LievenDV I’m not even in the same stratosphere as you, never will be, but I plod along in my ordinary way
Agreed, Maggie, some kind of Help Resource would be useful. I just had a quick look at the Discourse website and don’t see something like that, nor did a quick Google search turn up anything useful. Maybe a search of YouTube will find a channel with videos geared to helping new users (I’ve found that to be helpful at work when figuring out how to use new tools).