Playing guitar in video game - did you know?

Dear all,

its been short time videogame Stalker 2 came out and there is something I really like… found this in other game too and that is playing the guitar.
Did you know its a thing in some videogames?

Personally I did not play Stalker 2 yet, but I checked few videos and you can change chords and also affect strumming speed. There are already some nice covers on YouTube now.
Also I would like to share short video from videogame Son of forest, which I played… you got guitar here too and you cant play songs like in Stalker here, because you just press action button and you play some riff… but I cant count how many times I was using guitar here as an instrument and also as a melee weapon. :smiley:
What do you think about this? Do you like it? :slight_smile:
I just wanted to give you greater view on guitar as instrument, because it has impact in videogames too and not everyone plays them. :slight_smile:

Stalker 2 samples:

Son of forest samples:


This is one another person who played guitar and you know…


You electric guitar players have a huge advantage when using your instrument as a melee weapon. Just sayin’


I find that playing these requires about as much practice as the real thing, and practicing on the real thing has nothing to do with being able to play in-game! The motions are all different.

Guild Wars 2 has a harp and bass guitar that make nice string noises. they ruined the playability by adding an “after-cast” time to each note that make s playing 16th notes impossible.

Warframe has a 3-string ‘guitar’ they call a shawzin. The play is fairly simple and they have a neat way to also program a song for it that will auto-play.

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Core Keeper has a few different musical instruments that you “play” with the keyboard. There are even a few doors that you need to play certain notes to open.

@sequences mentioned the shawzin in Warframe. There is also an instrument called the Mandichord, which isn’t very guitar like but you can program it sort of like a drum track or midi instrument with 3 different “channels”. One of the Warframes uses this as their main weapon; playing music that damages enemies and buffs teammates. I feel like whenever I play that character, people get annoyed by the constant music and drop group, though…


I totally forgot about that! Thanks for mentioning it. That frame can be fun to play when the little rolling ball (mandichord) lays waste to a group of foes. :slight_smile:

Guild Wars 2 actually has a lot of instruments, flute, drum, pipe organ, that I didn’t mention because they were not string instruments.

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