Playing Guitar

How are you all? :guitar::clap::pray:. How are you all playing guitar ? :grinning::ok_hand:


Doing well, playing every day. fun fun fun

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Doing fine. Playing something a little different every day. Not so focused on recording anything these days.

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@tony :laughing::clap::guitar:

All well here thanks Gagan and I hope you are also? Guitar playing, meh! :smiley:

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Hey, I’m having heaps of fun playing guitar, just wondering how far into this course would you suggest upgrading your guitar? Or is it just when you’re in a rut or want a new sound?

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If you are having fun then there is no need for it. When you feel the guitar is limiting you (playability, tone, not inspiring anymore for some reason) it means that it is the time to change.

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If you have the money and you fancy something, buy it :smiley:
You’ll probably get enjoyment out of it and can always sell it if your desires change…
Just never think that it will make you a better player :wink:

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Hi Finn,
Check this out…


And of course there are the lessons that are under ‘playground’ together with the Captain :sunglasses:

I can’t wait for my Rut after 3 and a half years :guitar: :joy:

Greetings, Rogier




@SgtColon I’m practicing good :guitar::pray:. :smiley::ok_hand:

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My fingers hurt :joy: - but still playing :grin: :guitar:

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Doing good, guitar play everyday, and enjoying the long journey.

Good Sir :grinning:@Malz