Playing it forward

I just want to say thank you and ‘Andertons’ for the guitar you gave me. It’s the coolest thing I own. Currently on ‘Module 4’. Anyway cheers for the chance and hope to return the favour to someone someday. Thank you.


Somebody gave you a guitar?

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Admittedly found myself in tuff times and yes, received an acoustic through the ‘playing it forward’ scheme.
Just wanted to relay my gratitude somewhere.


That would be this


Hi Marc @DeadEyeDucKK, welcome here! Congratulations on your new guitar, and on your progress so far. You’ll find a lot of helpful folks here, so don’t be shy to ask questions, make observations, and share highlights of your journey. :smiling_face:

If it’s your thing, head over here to introduce yourself to the community and maybe tell us what is fueling your guitar passion.


Welcome to the forum Marc. Congratulations on the new guitar.

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That is awesome! It is great to hear that the program is helping! Welcome to the community!

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Hi Marc,
Very nice of you for checking in :smiley:

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Enjoy your gift to the fullest by checking here regularly and/or asking questions and learning from fellow students :smiley:


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Welcome to the community Marc :smiling_face:
It’s a very friendly, helpful and supportive place
Congratulations on your new guitar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Best wishes on your guitar journey :sunglasses:

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Hello Marc. Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community.
I have moved your topic to the ‘thanks’ section.

Congratulations on being a ‘playing it forward’ recipient. I hope your guitar and music bring you years of happiness.

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Welcome Marc! Hope you enjoy your guitar and learn a lot.

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Welcome Marc, hope the guitar spurs on your progress, and hope you bring it along to a future JGC OM sometime, when you are ready.
Have fun … :sunglasses:

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Congrats Marc on your PIF guitar, cherish it well.
Welcome to the Community.

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Welcome to the community, Marc! :slight_smile:

I’m happy for you to having received a guitar via PiF - wish you a long, joyful time of playing! :smiley:

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Hello Marc & welcome!!!
Congratulations on being a recipient of the Playing it Forward Program!!! This is so cool to hear from you!!!
Not sure how new to guitar you are but I offer this advice…
Get a guitar stand or wall hanger & keep the guitar close at hand. That way you can pick it up & give it a few strums when you only have 5-10 minutes to spare. I like to practice chords & scales while the coffee is brewing in the morning!!!
Good luck with your musical journey!!!



Welcome Marc @DeadEyeDucKK
Enjoy your guitar :guitar:and keep the community in touch with your progress.

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Greetings Marc

congratulations for your new six stringed friend, I’m sure you’ll use her for a long time and you’ll enjoy every minute spent with her.

good luck and enjoy the ride

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Great advice. My cats knocked it over twice already.
Someone else told me this too. “Don’t put it away in a case, else you won’t bother getting it out again”
Trust me it’s within arms reach. I’m a lefty learning right handed, so my strumming hand feels weird, but I’m having a blast! Thanks for the warm welcome all. I appreciate it.


Thank you all for the warm welcome. It’s appreciated and means a great deal. Cheers


There’s soo many cool songs out there. That’s all I want out of this, is to be able to play along to some of them. Musics great!

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