Playlist thread has disappeared

There’s going to be a strong bias in the recordings posted - the folk more confident and comfortable with this style will be much more likely to put up their recordings, so I reckon the average standard will be a lot lower than those already up. Uploading a recording is completely voluntary anyhow.
Of course, the really important thing here is to record something for yourself (whether posted or not) to have a baseline so you can see how far you have come in 6 month’s time.
It’s a safe bet that the biggest progress will be seen in those who are less familiar playing blues.
Going to be a blast!


That is so true… it’s been over a year since I recorded and posted my first blues improv and Justin’s blues lead… been focused on fingerstyle since then… so will be interesting to see if I’ve made any improvement since then as my overall guitar skills have developed.


I’m going to show my worst guitar playing in a few days, and then I’ll be a very good student at the end when I deliver a killer improvisation in 6 months’ time. :innocent:





Yes HOORAY …but where is Shane @sclay
He should also before me but nothing yet :smiling_face_with_tear:


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Australians are in a different time zone @roger_holland :wink:

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:joy: :rofl: :joy: :+1:

Yeah…the Twilight Zone…:nerd_face:


As a non BLIMer I detect the existence of a parallel universe.


That’s actually how I tackled language classes in school: zero effort during the year and hey, presto, great grades because of a hell of a lot of improvement during the exams. Works like a charm :wink:

Hasn’t Justin already seen your playing… I’m not sure you’ll be able to fool him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Shane have you left the twilight zone yet?

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That’s more like it :wink:

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James @Socio

Very good and you are probably right. I did think about it but I had to be honest with myself, my skill level is just not up to it, only just started playing single notes and I don’t have an electric guitar (yet) which I expect you really need. I am still getting the basics down with strumming on an acoustic.

However if it comes around in a few years I will be at the front of the queue.


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No mate. A sad mystery unfortunately. No access.

I have alerted the team Shane



Very much appreciate that Richard. My efforts have unfortunately failed.

Cheers, Shane

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