Practice Assistant, item with undefined duration time

Hi. For the statistics purposes I would benefit from a new feature in Practice Assistant… I would like to create an Item in my Routines, for example “Song practicing” which would not have predefined duration. So when practicing, the timer would count down on these items, but count up, if that makes sense. Or you could simply use the option “Mark this item as complete” - and write the time you used for the item. This way at the end of the day we could add the minutes (hours) to practice assistant and the statistics would be more real.
It is just the statistics, but it somewhat pains when you look at the chart and there are days without practice time, but you know that you played quite some songs on these days.

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It would be nice to enter the correct time, but I got around it by making a 5-minute entry for something like “practice (songname)”. Then I use the complete task button as many times as needed to get close to the time I was at it. This is really only limited by my patience to keep going thru the completion button routine, so choose the duration of the entry wisely. :slight_smile:

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I do the same but I do a much bigger block of 30mins practice, + another 30mins of all the other items added like OMC’s
If I change my songs I add all the times together and change my item timing to suit.


That is completely OK with me. I just didn’t know that we could log multiple practice times for the same item in a practice routines.

Thanks for that, that solves my idea. Not ideal, but for sure this is good enough for me.