Practice assistant on the website?

Where is the practice assistant on the website? It is mentioned on a module in the beginners course that i am looking at now… but the layout of the website looks to have changed from that showed on the module, and i cannot find it. Thanks

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Welcome to the community, @Purdiekitten :slight_smile:

If you happen to go to your Dashboard, you will find the Practice Assistant on the left side right below the Dashboard Icon. See the yellow “circle” in the screenshot above. Hope it helps.

Have fun practicing! May your learning curve be steap. :slight_smile:


Edit: Now as I’m looking on the screenshot myself, there’s an even more obvious option when you’re already on your Dashboard: Hit the Orange button “Start Today’s Practice”… :sweat_smile:

To get to your Dashboard, you can click on your Profile Pic top right, then click “Dashboard”.

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Like Lisa said thats where the assistant is, just go to the last lesson in your mod (practice) click on the practice tab and then click load to your assistant. you can fiddle with loading different practices into your daily routine, takes a bit if getting used to. jason gives a description in mod 1……the dashboard us a but different now since the update


Thanks guys. Found it. Much appreciated. I’ll have a go! x

Welcome, @Purdiekitten !

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