Practice Routine tool issue


So when I’m editing a practice routine, the portion that shows the selected items and lets you reorder them is only showing 5 active items, even though I selected more than that.
I kept trying to add a new item using the search and it wasn’t showing up on the list, so was confusing me.

I did find that if you click show all items then all of your selected ones will show at the top of the list.
It would be nice if the list of active items expanded to show them all when you first click edit.
Was confusing trying to figure out how to reorder them…

Probably just me though :slight_smile:

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Not just you. I had the exact same thought the first few times I messed with the practice assistant.

I’m having some trouble with this as well, I’ve figured out one thing, I think, you can’t have more than 20 minutes total in a practice routine, after 20 it tells me practice is finished. So I’ve had to make several practice routines no more than 20 minutes long. Now my problem is, at least in my practice routine I’ve titled One Minute Changes, it’s telling me I’m done before the 20 minutes are up. So I have to hit repeat practice and then do the missing item.

@ LunaRocket

I have 40 minutes worth of practice in each of my two routines (8 items, 5 minutes each) and I have never had any problem like you describe.

My only advice is to refresh your browser. If you recently added the items, maybe the page didn’t update properly?

Interesting. I’ve done it all though, so maybe some of us are unluckier than others? lol

strange, I also have routines longer than 20 minutes with no particular issue, maybe try resetting the routine and exiting the page before starting it again?
That part of the site is quite buggy, at least for me