R.E.M. - Losing My Religion

Hey everyone,

I am new here, but wanted to share my cover of Losing My Religion with you. It’s based on Justins lesson. Any feedback is much appreciated. I don’t have any recording equipment for my acoustic yet though, so audio quality could be better. Hope you still like it :grinning:



Hi Nick! And welcome to the forum!
That was a great performance, an excellent first avoyp! :clap:
Your strumming sounded very nice and consistent. Nice dynamics to it as well.
This is not an easy song to play, so well done. :facepunch:
The sound in youre recording was pretty good, youre phone worked out fine…

Would be great if you could write a little introduction post as well, how long you been playing…. Etc. Etc. :grin:

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Nice job Nick, and welcome!

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Well played, Nick!!!
Welcome to the group!


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That was nicely played Nick. Sounded to me like you are doing everything right, so just keep doing what you are doing.

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Hi Nick. Welcome,
Enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing :+1:

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Hi Nick,
I thought you did a good job. Sounded really nice to my ears. Keep up the good work. :clap::clap::clap:
Best wishes,

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Welcome to the Community Nick. Steady strumming and mostly clean chords. As for the rhythm and timing, without a vocal or a backing track it’s difficult to judge. More of a dynamic in the strumming pattern would help too.

Having said all that, without knowing anything about you or what stage you are at in the course, how long you’ve been playing etc. it’s difficult to make constructive comment.

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Hey Nick
Sounds great to me :+1:t2: :clap:t2: and the audio quality was good too :smiley:
Thanks for sharing :sunflower:

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Hi Nick,
Nice first one :sunglasses: :clap:
I just read your introduction and I think you are doing well for only a year and a half…already a very good moving rhythm guitar arm…keep it up

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Hello Nick and welcome among us :blush:
Echoing Gordon’s comment

Overall it seems to me you’re doing a pretty nice job, though!

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Read your intro and for 1.5 years in it sounds good. Singing next up?

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Hi Nick,
Good work!
The sound quality is absolutely fine, so no worries there.
If you’d like some feed back - I like the way you pick out the targeted notes running up the scale in the intro. Nicely done, and the strumming is pretty even throughout.
The obvious thing to say is - get singing, man! Have no fear, learn the lyric properly, and just launch right in. Justin did a great lesson called something like " How not to suck at singing" you could look at.
Other than that, you could add some extra interest by varying the dynamics.
Go for it, you’ve got a solid base to build on there.

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I have been playing with that thought, but other things have priority for me atm. Will definitely choose a different song for that, maybe something with two chords and the same strumming pattern all the way :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I know that video exists but didn’t dare to try singing yet :smiley:
I definitely want to give it a try in the future, so thanks for giving me a little push!

Thanks for the feedback. I tried to work some dynamics in there, like playing the chorus louder, but after listening back to it I agree that they could be more noticeable :smiley:

great job, sounds good to me

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Very nicely played Nick and you are heading in the right direction!

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Well done, Nick :grinning:
I had a serious bash at this earlier this year and it nearly did my head in :roll_eyes:

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