Rachel's Learning Log - New beginnings

Hi Rachel. Good the SOS strumming course has allowed you to improve and develop your strumming.

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Q2 Wk 21

Posted first AVOYP with dynamic strumming applied from grade 2 strumming.
Pleased with the overall progress for just 5 month but I suspect the next piece will be some time off lol.

Purchased the original Karaoke version backing tracks and have every part downloaded as individual files for an attemp to replace the guitar with my own, when I’m ready lol…that will be a laugh



Q2 - Wk5 -22 weeks total

Miss my ES-339, was using my partners Squire Strat, Lovely action but finding the grip on the neck a little difficult and very smoth where I need thumb grip and I find my thumb slips a bit lol.

It was a bit of a struggle keeping up wth my practice so a little hit n mss this week but I think I got enough done to be happy with it.

Anyway, I collect my Guitar tomorrow, Hope to spend a little time browsing too.



Q2 - Wk6 - 23/24 weeks total.

Had a week off with partner so, back at it now :slight_smile:



Q2 - Wk 7 - 25 weeks total

After a nice little break back at it :slight_smile:



Well Q2 - Wk 8 and a total of 26 weeks , woot, 6 months , phew…

It honestly doesn’t feel like 6 months , it’s gone by so quickly lol. Throughly enjoyed what I’ve managed to learnt so far despite having slowed down over the last month.

Moving on in the strumming dynamics course completing “Alternating strumming patterns”
Start “How to add Fills” module.

Been practicing stuck 3/4 chords and time to find a song or two and start practicing them.
One that comes to mins is Taylor Swift’s Silent Night but I can’t manage the chord changes right now as they’re just a bit fast.



Q2 - Wk 9 - 27 Weeks total. !
Definately marking time a the moment, I cant find a sonf to practice that I like for the 3/4 chords
Not pleased with not pushing myself more for something to play.!!



Hi Rachel, There is another Taylor Swift song that uses the 3/4 chords, Tear Drops on My Guitar. It uses 4 chords (G, Em7, Cadd9, D/F# with Capo 3) in single bar progressions. You could reduce the number of strums in each bar to give you time for the changes and add more as you are able. There are YT videos to play along with and Justin has a lesson in this song, too.

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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I don’t know what to sing
All I get is pling-pling
Just want to sing a song
it’s begun it might be long :blush: :upside_down_face:

How about start compose to that little poem using 3/4 chords and just go on write some more verses and then you have your song? :thinking: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses:

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Thanks, I’ll take a look over my weekend brea. Thank you.


Err, hmm… Let me get back to ya on that one. Lol. :joy:

Thinking, I did say play right, I’m sure I said play.

I absolutely can’t and won’t sing, not even in the shower, I don’t have one lol.


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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :star_struck:

You can just sing the song mentally. You don’t have to actually sing it. Then you will always have a song ready when training chords, if the songs you pick doesn’t fit your mood or ear, just compose what ever comes to mind. Make an inner mental song, while you play the chords you want to train.

You can also do like the Icelandic group Amiina so brilliantly have done, composing music to a fiction figure called “Fantômas”. A mentally created story with no spoken lyrics. Excellent if you are visually minded.

Fantômas is a fictional character created by French writers Marcel Allain -1885–1969
and Pierre Souvestre 1874–1914. One of the most popular characters in the history of French
Crime_fiction and was created in 1911.

Maybe worth to consider if you somehow feel stuck finding a song you like with those chords you have to train or like to get trained. - I am in my creative corner today and full of good ideas :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I would luv to hear you play that what ever it might be!:+1: :sunglasses: :pray: Did you notice I wrote “play”? :wink: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Interesting, like it. Not heard of them before so but enjoyed the sound of them. :slight_smile:

Thanks for this… :slight_smile:

Very possible.

I did , I did. :+1:


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I don’t think there’s a premade playlist or filter for this, but you can try looking up 90s artists in the app to see if there are any songs to suit you. They won’t specifically list the stuck 3/4 chords to use in those songs, but since they are of the same vintage as “Wonderwall,” many of them sound right at home with the stuck 3/4 versions.

I practiced that module with songs by the Gin Blossoms, Matchbox 20, Spin Doctors, Oasis, etc. They all have songs available in the app using C/D/Em/G.

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Thank you, I’ll have a look at them. :slight_smile:

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Hi Rachel, reading through all these Learning logs is inspiring and it seems your making some excellent progress :clap:

:point_up_2: this is always lovely to see :slightly_smiling_face:

Looking forward to more updates, keep having fun :v:

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Q2 - Wk10 - 28 weeks total.

Thanks for this, adding it in next week routine for regular practice along with some other songs for Grade 1 pieces.


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You’re welcome. I hope it works for you.

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Q2 - Wk11 - 28 Weeks total

Seen a bump in my playing time this week with new songs added for practice. :slight_smile:

Em pentatonic practicing at 110bpm with alternating picking
Open positions all learnt now forwards, backwards and individual recall of each ie:(G x3) etc.

Finger style pattern 1 on C and G at 60bpm doing well. Almost time to add pattern 2 into the mix

Perfect - Ed Sheeran - another piece for G1 consolidation
This years Love - David Grey , also a G1 consolidation piece
Teardrops on my Guitar - Taylor Swift , first G2 song with stuck 3/4 chording

occasional practice pieces
Nobody leaves a girl like that
What’s Up

Very Occasional
Last Christmas



Q2 - Wk 12 - 29 weeks Total

Enjoying the use of the Capo and leaning Tears on my Guitar. Have almost learnt to play along with the Justin video. Timing is almost there but not quite.
Note, I really need to learn how to play softly. I should be ready to make a recording soon, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, even though I do the strumming all the way through as I can’t do the picking pattern. Must admit that would be wonderful to do some day and record it again :slight_smile:
