Rachel's Learning Log - New beginnings

Q2 - Wk 13 - 30 weeks in total

not much to add this week, simply keeping up the practice really. :slight_smile:


Q2 - Wk 14 - 31 weeks in total.

Aweful heat this week, but I managed to do an extra day to make up for the loss lol…

Pleased that i managed to play Teardrops on my Guitar(could be sweat, I’m not sure) at tempo with the JG video. :slight_smile: . I feel a little more practice certainly wont go amiss. I would also live to be able to add J’s picking part in this but I’m no where up to scratch for that.



Not the end of my week yet but i had to post this.



Hi Rachel,

Well 9900 hours to go … :sweat_smile:


Edit: @Helen0609 :joy: … unfortunately this website does keep a count :roll_eyes:, okay even worse so with guitar playing time added :speak_no_evil:
I have already been called out by a certain person…get a life…well reading ,chating and …cough…some playing is a good life :sunglasses:
i’m going to change my strings girls…bye


Rachel, if I’d counted the hours, I’d shoot myself :joy::partying_face::bow_and_arrow:


I’m inclined to agree lol

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Rachel, I listened to your sneak peek video postings and enjoyed all of them. You have a solid strumming rhythm and clean chord changes. You are on track to reach your playing goals.

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Q2 - Wk 15 - 32 Weeks in Total.

Soon as this heat breaks a little I’ll be posting another AVOYP “Teardrops on my Guitar”, soon.
Shame theres a fade in of this video , always take me a bar right now to get the timing as I dont know when the video starts.

Anyway, another week done adn feel good with where I’m at. I’m starting the F chord next week, should have started that awhile ago I think. Oh well…

Have a good weekend all, mine starts tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Hi Rachel,

was reading through you log the last days and enjoyed it a lot! Very intersting read, and it is so clear to see you have plan and you’re following it with a lot of dedication! :slight_smile: :clap:

That’s quite a stunning record of instruments you’ve played - wow!! It’s only logical to add guitar on top. :joy:

Looking forward to your next AVOYP and wish you a very pleasant, long weekend. Enjoy your time! :smiley:

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Having lost all my recorded data :woman_shrugging: :roll_eyes: I decided to take a bit of time off and come back to it soon.


Well, had a week away from music, must say I’m less enthused to come back than I thought I would be even though I had some good days. Not sure why though.

Q2 Wk 17 - 37 weeks Total.

After a major revamp of my practice session page it now cantains just 20 items
of the 80 I had and only 9 practice items.

E Minor Pentatonic
Open note study & repeat @ 12th to 15th fret
C Major Scale
Song Practice (Teardrops on my Guitar)
Struming Accent 2&4
stuck 3/4 chords
3/4 omc (G to D) with a mute just for the hell of it
reprtoir revision
F chord Practice

Need to find new way to log now.


Q2 Wk 18 - 38 wks total

All going resonably well, including the F chord, managing faster so more in the time. It’s going to take some time before I reach 60 but, its a start :slight_smile:

All good for now :slight_smile:


All progress is good progress Rachel, your dedication is spot on here, nice work! Have you started to pick any songs with F in them as yet to try out?

Not yet , it’s only been a week lol, I am surprised though that I can just about manage it on the Faith.
I had hoped to start the F chord a few weeks ago but hada glitch with all the recored data missing and decided to take a week off. So, Ive had a week at attempting F. Tricky but not impossible.

Prartners weekend as of tomorrow so, as few days off now.


Interesting you say that, I found my Faith really receptive to barres too, no idea why!

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Q2 Wk 19 - 39 Wks total

Finished L8
Adding L10 next week



Q2 Wk 20 - 40 Weeks Total

Had a very bumpy week this week on Guitar where time is concerned. :frowning: and never had a chance to look at module 10 sadly.


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Week 41

Gave my babooshka a kick this week and added most of module 10 to start practicing, with a few exceptions to be added later, like, F chord changes as I’ve only been practicing F chord a few weeks.



Wk 42

:slight_smile: , a good week.



Wk 43-44
