Radek - July 2023 - Learn To Meow (Xiao Feng Feng) + Trout (Classical challenge no 6)

Second recording this month, “Learn To Meow” by Xiao Feng Feng.

Again I’m late with the monthly recording but here it is, Johan Franz Schubert “Trout” (Piano Quintet D.667). Half way through the challenge :sweat_smile:.

Previous classical challenge recordings


What a beautiful little piece you’re sharing Radek! You"ve got a marked musicality for classical pieces and :zipper_mouth_face: I’m censuring my ownself, but be assured it would be a positive consideration :blush: I ear some hicups on the 16th notes I think, but it overall sounds very beautiful!

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Thank you Silvia :slight_smile:. Yes, the piece is not exactly what I had in mind, while practicing I had better passes then this one recorded.

Articulation definitely needs more improvement, I think I fell victim of my own device, putting pressure on releasing every month with only about 4-5h of practice per each piece invites problems.

If I ever decide to have another classical challenge it won’t be 12 pieces for sure :sweat_smile:.

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Hi Radek,
Wonderful music to listen to and watch :sunglasses: :clap: :bouquet: …by looking at you I would almost buy a acoustic guitar…almost :sweat_smile:

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Thank you kindly Roger, then it means I need to do a better job to make you buy one :sweat_smile:.

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Absolutely not…it’s a physical thing with me :sweat_smile:

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Hi Radek,

that was so beautiful and lovely to listen, I enjoyed it a lot! :slight_smile: It was somehow sad, it only lasts for half a minute, but nevermind, I just started again. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the next already!

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Thank you Lisa. All this pieces are short to be able to embrace it within a month (4h of total piece practice), if you like it there is few more under the link above in the original post :slight_smile:.

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I agree Radek, 4/5 hours are not enough time, but I see no evil in wanting to record monthly, I do it myself, on the contrary it helps us to keep track of our progress and allows for self-assessment which is required when one lacks an in-person teacher to rely on. I think this is all such great practice for you to internalise these pieces and force yourself to play from memory, I sometimes do it but I must admit that reading is helping me a lot and make it less challenging.


Hey Rogier, just in case you don’t know (I think you do but if you don’t this might be helpful)…there’s a wonderful tool called Ergo Play that Classical Guitarists use widely; I got myself one for an healthier posture for my neck issues, and it works great. You can use it with Acoustic Guitars too, you put it on your left leg and can adjust it, you don’t have to put the neck that high as a Classical Guitarist would. Just in case you fancy strumming an Acoustic Guitar and you didn’t know about the Ergo Play…I find it really comfortable and can’t do without now! Greetings from boiling Italy…:hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:


I always play from memory but as I go through bigger volumes of songs/pieces I often catching myself on reading while playing. Things are easier when camera is not rolling too. My hope here is that in time I will be able to embrace the task faster due to collected experience.

I considered it for a moment when I saw Ulli Boegershausen in one of his videos, perhaps is time too revisit the topic.

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Hi Silvia,
Thank you for your idea, I appreciate that because you never know if I missed something… unfortunately I am aware of that, my problems are multifaceted and quite big…but the " middle "solution presents itself in the shape of an …acoustasonic… :crossed_fingers: drove to a store for nothing last month :confounded:, I have now found one very far away for me (40 min drive), but they usually have 5/7 there and I will call them soon and an hour before I leave.

Very good luck there, I see it on the radar it`s terrible, with my mother (levico terme) it is less bad and this morning a lot of rain … I hope there will be some cooling soon :crossed_fingers: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube:
Holland 22c windy and happy :sweat_smile:

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:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: acoustasonic sound great! Rogier, once you get it you need to make a avoyp for all of us! No excuses allowed :blush::innocent::heart_eyes:

I supposed you knew about the Ergoplay, but it was worth suggesting, just in case…:grin:

You were right, it rained this morning and temperature is a bit more human-friendly :sweat_smile:

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Both considerations are more than relatable! I embraced Justin’s motto “Practice makes permanent. Practice perfectly”… if you do something well repeatedely than it’s likely you’ll be able to embrace the task faster. Sometimes it’s very much a trial and error process and perfect practice is out of question, but very often I find it useful to identify a single skill and do “perfect practice” on that one only, for example, my fingerpicking routine is on open strings only, in that way I can really focus on the right hand technique and make it as much good as I can…no, not perfect though :joy:

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Hello Radek. I visited your Introduction and your Learning Log. It’s quite impressive. This song, you have done so well, as with the others on your YouTube channel I listened to.

I admire your practice routine. You have a very nice recording setup. Your guitar sounds great. All the things! Well done!!

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This is practical as long as you have a reference point, and for anyone following this course this makes perfect sense. However, if you are off the beaten path things are less obvious. I understand your motivation and academic approach to classical music, as myself, I feel mostly as a trespasser :sweat_smile:.

Thank you kindly Pamela for you words and taking time to look at the recordings. Glad you like it!

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Sounds great Radek. A lovely piece, I always enjoy your classical fingerstyle.

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Wonderfully played piece Radek. Nice to see that you are continuing your classical challenge.

Just use it as motivation to keep progressing. If I hadn’t joined this community last year when I was starting to lose motivation, I probably would not have continued with guitar as a hobby.
So keep doing what you are doing, and I hope to see you complete your challenge in however long it takes you.

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Thanks JK, glad you are enjoying this exercises, it gives motivation steam to classical engine :slight_smile:.

Thank you Sandro, the challenge is on but it is unlikely I will complete it by the end of the year. Despite quite rigorous practice routine I forgot to calculate things like family holidays and other not music related activities :sweat_smile:.

Wise words. It is not easy path indeed, many times I though how much easer it would have been if I switch to other hobbies I tried in the past. I’ll keep playing the challenge, but already know that the year is not enough so it will likely stretch to the next.

“Learn To Meow” by Xiao Feng Feng is a Chinese pop song that I’ve heard for the first time on our family holidays back in 2020 and have been practicing since then. This is one of my “long term” songs, shortest of a bunch. I finally started cracking this backlog of songs accumulated over the years that always wanted to play but had not enough skill to actually do it. Not exactly perfect performance but I intend to keep playing this song until I capture it they way I’d like to.

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