Rafael from Brazil

Hey there. I’m Rafael from Brazil. I’m 38 and I started with Justin one year ago, but I’m joining the forum just now.

I’m currently working on Module 14 from Grade 2. I actually dunno how fast or slow I’ve been going but I’m super happy with my progress so far.

I had tried to play the guitar when I was younger but could never make it, now that I’m following Justin’s course I can see myself getting more and more motivated, and less bond to give up when I face something difficult.

My intention now is to be more active here on the community, participate on the clubs and maybe find some jam buddies?!

I usually travel to FL in the US for work and leisure. It’d be nice to make some international guitar player friends too :slight_smile:

That’s all for now. See you soon everyone!


Welcome in and enjoy!

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Welcome, Rafael. I started just over a year ago, too and am on Module 13, hoping to move on to 14 soon. I live in Michigan so a bit too far from Florida, but nice to meet you!

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Hello Rafael & welcome to the Community!!!
I hope you have lots of good times with the guitar & good luck finding your jam buddy!!!


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Great stuff Rafael. Making super progress.

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Welcome to the forum Rafael

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Hi Rafael,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Rafael, welcome to the community forum. It sounds like you are making the right amount of progress. Most important you are still happy with your progress. Have fun as you continue your guitar journey following Justin Guitar.

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Welcome Rafael! :slight_smile:

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Hi Rafael, welcome. Good you’re super happy with your progress so far.

One of the good things with Justin Guitar courses is that you get achievable and ready to use in real songs skill goals. Have fun.

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