Readymade by RHCP

Adi…it sounds very pro to my ear! This is really cool!!!

This proved to be so true for me Adi, not for difficult stuff like this of course and not for great stages, very humble ones to tell the truth…but it seems like that seeing and feeling the vibes in other human beings eyes makes me do way better than what I can do sitting alone in my living room and helped me so much with my timing issues!
All the best.

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Yes, that is where the magic is! :smiley:
It will only exist if there is some tension on the other end.
The stress is normal and it means that there is potential for the magic as well!


Wow Adi!!!
Quit your dayjob. This is what you are supposed to do!!
Huge inspiration to watch how good you have becomed!


Hello Adrian, it was very cool, the guitarist from the peppers plays very interesting and not simple parts. Your guitar playing and sound was great!


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Great skills and you made it look effortless, nailed the tone too :v:

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