Really, I'm just going to buy some Picks!

So, I have to go into the town for some groceries today, a half a day job as I hit all the stores I need to at once. A habit I developed when it was a 45 minute drive each way, still doing it this way though itā€™s only 20ish now. But since I have to do all the boring errand stuff, I thought I might drop into the tiny guitar shop and buy some picks since I broke one already during my first AVOYP. (The picks I have were free with the strap I bought so; I really donā€™t have enough.) They have a few used guitars, I thought Iā€™d pick up an acoustic and see what itā€™s like. Just to see, mind you. I donā€™t care that the manger is a bit pushy, sheā€™s not going to get me to buy one today. Really. Iā€™ve only been practicing about 3 months. I really donā€™t need another guitarā€¦ yet.

My husband says Iā€™m playing with fire.

I could use those picks thoughā€¦ :upside_down_face:


Haha, I ended up with an acoustic in similar circumstances. :wink: I had a no-brand beginners electric which was perfectly adequate for me at the time. I was having vinyls put on a car and took a wander while waiting, found a little guitar shop. Poked my nose inside just to kill some time.

Ended up being there for about an hour gassing with the owner, which included telling him I didnā€™t have much money to spare. No problem, says he, take a look at this! Grabs a nice-looking acoustic off the wall and starts playing all sorts on it. Sounded great in his hands.

Walked out Ā£75 poorer, which considering I still like the sound of it years later when I can actually play stuff on it was a total bargain. (Though it did leave me short at the time!)


Donā€™t forget to post pictures of that new acoustic guitar ā€¦ oups, my bad, I meant ā€¦ picks :stuck_out_tongue: :nerd_face: :rofl: :rofl:


Ha haā€¦ next instalment? Picks or guitar and picks?!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh, thatā€™s funny :+1: :sunglasses: :partying_face: Excited to hear the follow up on thisā€¦ :face_with_monocle: :rofl: :joy:


The only way to tell if youā€™ve got the right pick is to play it on another guitar, no good doing that in the shop, too much ambient noise, the other guitar has to be played at your home to be absolutely sure itā€™s right. If you donā€™t pay for that other guitar you could get arrested.


I agree with Tonyā€¦ see if she can throw in a few different types of picks with your new acoustic so you can test them all out on both of your guitars at home :laughing: :smiley:


So does your husband play then, seems common sense because he obviously knows what heā€™s talking about :laughing:
Now cā€™mon giveā€¦ā€¦ do not tell us that you werenā€™t tempted :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


donā€™t buy a guitardonā€™t buy a guitardonā€™t buy a guitardonā€™t buy a guitardonā€™t buy a guitardonā€™t buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitar buy a guitarā€¦ :roll_eyes: :innocent:


Cannot WAIT to hear the acoustics on those picks Rebecca :wink:. And scoff to all those pushy salespeople, projecting their goods onto weak morsels. Itā€™s as if they expect us all to just crumple and foldā€¦ā€¦.but Iā€™m sure you showed her. Pftt! :joy::joy:

Soā€¦.when do we get to hear these ā€˜picksā€™ :grin::guitar:

Your first song to hubby ~ Rolling Stones ~ Play With Fire :fire:




Trying to expand the photo to see the acoustic :wink:. Lovely array of picking gear there


Well I had a lovely chat with the owner at the guitar store, she wasnā€™t very busy and checked out a few of her acoustics, canā€™t really remember any of the names except she sells new Fenders, a couple of used Oscar Smith which I didnā€™t care for at all. Then I tried a new Fender Paramount all mahogany concert size which I rather liked but wasnā€™t looking to spend $600. I think it had been hanging there awhile as a couple of the strings had rust on them, but I liked how it sounded compared to all the others. I think it must be discontinued as I canā€™t even find it on Fenderā€™s website and the ones they do have are made in Indonesia. This one said China. This is the only picture I can find that looks like it.

Fender Paramount Series PM-3 - All Mahogany OOO w/ cutaway w/ hard case 2018 Natural | Reverb

At then end of this month Iā€™ll be down in the Detroit area. I may drag my SIL along to one or 2 of the stores down there. :slight_smile:


Hi LunaRocket!
I have owned my beautiful Zager 80 OM guitar since February 1 and I have had fun trying out picks. Bought .46 nylon- really flexy, .46classic celluloid that go into little rubber grippie jackets! A bit stiffer and .46 delrin the least flexible. Just picked them up when a low price on amazon. See what you like for strumming versus picking.
Hmm- I am guilty of just ordering an inexpensive Enya nova go Carbon fiber travel guitar people seem to love! It will be great to take on vacation and play around our pool and patio. Ive got the bug.Have fun.


Haha! Someoneā€™s heading into a rabbit hole. Iā€™m picturing your lovely collection of guitars very soon Rebecca and always good to invite family members ( SIL) along for the ride :wink:

If you liked the one hanging up but it had issues, haggle away. Or did you send little flexibility?

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Just tell hubby that itā€™s a free guitar with every pick. :smiley:

Well done on resisting though Rebecca.


Nice looking guitar.

I did tell the hubby about that guitar and heā€™s making noises about my birthday next month. :grinning: I then told him, let me go to our nieceā€™s baby shower first and check out other guitars first. If this one sells before then, she did say she had another one in a case in the backā€¦

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Not trying to hijack the thread hereā€¦
How about those Zager guitarsā€¦ I threw my name in the hat for their free giveaway & have gotten SO DANG MANY texts & emails from Denny Zager since that itā€™s about to drive me crazyā€¦ but if I unsubscribe I canā€™t win a new Zager!!!
Seriously, does anyone else besides BecA have a Zager? I would love to hear 'cause they look really nice & sound really good on their videos, they call them ā€œEasy Playā€ guitarsā€¦ What am I saying? I DONā€™T NEED ANOTHER GUITARā€¦ BUT STILLā€¦

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I am SO going to use this one!!!
Hey! Maybe Iā€™ll buy a $600 Zager pickā€¦
