Registered for a JustinGuitar live club - confused over the start time

I registered for this Club event but am possibly overthinking the MDT vs GMT for this event. What will my local time be so Iā€™m not late or miss it?


look at the club page and then the event banner. It tells you ā€œYOUR LOCAL TIMEā€ at the top. As long as your computer clock is set to your local time, it should be correct.

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Thanks, Michael!

Thatā€™s what I was thinking but the only other Club event I tried to attend, I only saw the last 5 minutes. I thought that I was logging in early!


Start time is 7pm UK time.
We are currently in our daylight saving time so that means UTC +1.
I hope that helps.

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It doesā€¦ I havenā€™t registered for a few Club events because I thought it meant attending in the wee early hours!!! Iā€™m barely awake, let alone playing guitar :musical_score: at 4am or 5am!!!


@Richard_close2u @FannyJustinGuitar
I think that the confusion, at least on my part, is in how the time is presentedā€¦

This is how it shows up on the Club event:
MON, MAY 06 2024 Ā· 12:00 UTC-6 (YOUR LOCAL TIME)

Maybe this format might be easier for folks to understand:
MON, MAY 06 2024 Ā· 12:00 YOUR LOCAL TIME - (UTC-6)

I have noticed several other comments here in the Community that indicate some missed windows and/or confusion about UTC versus Local time (especially when you throw Daylight Savings Time into the equation)ā€¦
Just a thought!


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Hi @CATMAN62 - thanks for your feedback - updating certain aspects of our Clubs page is in the works. Iā€™m taking note of this! :slight_smile: Cheers


Thank you, Fanny! I appreciate all that you & the others on Justinā€™s team do for us here in this business called ā€œLearning Guitarā€!!! :wink:


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