Reset a lesson

Is there a way to reset a lesson? Most can just be restarted without missing anything, but for the first d chord riff play along, there were directions about what was to come and how to understand the symbols. It flew by so fast I didn’t absorb it. Restarting the lesson jumps right to playing.

Am I missing something?

Do you meant this by resetting a lesson?

Or just click on the Green tick by the side of the lesson.

Now you see it
Now you don’t
You’ll see this confirmation as well - don’t blink

On the web, you just take the lesson again and it starts from scratch. In the App though, for the D Major Jam module, it shoots a lot of info about what is coming up, the 1,2,3,4 some “ES” term and then it launches into the song to strum with.

I was drinking from a firehose at that point and struggled though it, but want to redo the instructions part. However, when I go back to the D Major jam, it just launches the song to strum to. The directions do not replay. That is a part I want to absorb properly as well.

maybe tag @MusopiaApps ?