Rod at The Lodge covering Against The Wind

Think I’m finally dialing in the mix with the Everse 8! The use of the Beat Buddy feels smoother. Overall just getting more comfortable with the tech. After today’s set my resident drummer from the 60s (his name is “Pep”) called me over and told me how much of what I’m doing is taking him back to his days as a drummer in Chicago in the 60s. How much fun he had then. He was very complimentary and it made my day. He loves the Beat Buddy. I asked him how the mix sounded and he said “I think you are on it”!

3 different ladies passed by after wards asking if they missed it! Yes unfortunately I was done I reminded them of my time slot but it felt good they seem to look forward to it. Good day at The Lodge.

I think my focus now just needs to find more songs these folks like. Probably a few more higher energy bits would play well here. Time to just smooth it out and tighten it up! Thanks for any views or comments….Rod


Super stuff Rod. Your performance of that song was terrific and sounded very well balanced to me. You’re clearly on top of the technology now and I love that you’ve got a resident drummer called Pep. :joy:
The only thing I’d say is you need a better PR agent! :grin:

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Great tune selection Rod! Well played and sung. This brings backs memories of early adolescence for me.

My only comment would be that (while I realise it’s tough to vary the tempo of a song when your drummer is a robot :rofl:); For me, this song has a kind of “melancolic-sort-of-longing” feeling to it and this `particular drum beat feels a bit “bright” to me rythmically. Not a real issue at all. Just an observation from my personal perspective.

Looks like you’re having a great time getting to play some cool tunes and that’s what it’s all about!!

Keep em coming!!


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Great job Rod. This is one of my wifes favorite Bob Seger songs. It might have to make it onto our practice list.

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You can change tempo at the start but not during, although i have seen users ask for that feature. The source for my lyrics and chords had this at a bpm of 110 using the default Blues Rock 1 beat. I just went with that! Thanks for taking a listen!.. Rod

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Hey Rod, that’s a very sorted mix with the Everse now, ie we can hear you and the guitar!! :wink: :rofl:

Most heartwarming the increased reactions and engagement you’re getting from your, dare I say it, groupies at the Lodge now! :slight_smile: I’m really loving your posts of the gigs, do keep them coming.

I’ve never come across the song before so can’t compare it to anything, but you had me tapping along from the get go and throughout, with a big smile on my face.

Fine, fine work brother :clap:

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That was sounding really good, Rod! :clap: You’re getting along with your new techs quite well. :smiley:

I love to read your updates from playing at the lodge and even more, to read that you bring so much joy to the people there. That’s heartwarming and benefits you all. Great stuff! :slight_smile:

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Very kind of you both @Lisa_S and @Notter . Bob Seger tunes seem to suit my voice and he was a big presence in the 70s/80s here in the US.

Got a new gig at another Sr Living place this Sunday on St Patrick’s day. Told them I don’t know any Irish stuff but I can do 30-45 minutes of easy listening songs. We’ll see what comes from that! Thanks for listening!….Rod


Rockin’ Rod at the Lodge. Dig it. We done sir. I would have a drink with you and those ladies. You 'da man! :slight_smile:

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Hi Rod,

Looks to me like you are just getting more and more comfortable with that setup, I thought it just seems smoother and better timing every time you post. You looked far more comfortable with the foot switches in this and I thought the sound was great. Love watching these :+1: I guess you have already made a note to make sure the camera lens is clean next next time :wink: :+1:

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Ha, the downside of using an action camera (Go Pro 9) for indoor work! If i can get away with it i try to use stuff i already have especially if they are not core to the activity. The lens is clean but Go Pros auto exposure indoors with a bright back ground to the subject is not optimal. Kind of the same way the mic on it is not optimal. The layout of the room kind of dictates where i need to stand and it’s a lot of windows behind me. Anyway, this is just my quick and dirty immediate performance feedback mechanism that I’m also sharing with the community.

Now what is interesting is that my previous set up without the Everese 8 had really subpar audio from the Go Pro as my previous postings can testify. Same camera, dial in the Everese 8 and now the audio is pretty good to my ears.

It’s close enough for my purposes😀. Thanks for peeping in!.. Rod

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Good set there, Rob. I love Bob Seger songs. So happy you do this for the residents there. I’m sure they enjoy it. You did great. Looking forward to more.

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Hey Rod,
Sounding pretty good. To my ears it might be a touch heavy on the drums, but certainly in the realm of subjectivity. Song, play and vox all were on the money to me. It all made for an enjoyable moment on my end.

I wonder if ever they might dole out some $ for you. It might help your gear fund…! No matter as you get more enjoyment out of it than playing by self at home.

Take care,

Thanks for watching @LBro ! I’m really happy with the gear. I think it can grow way beyond my current venues. Ive picked up another retirement home nearby and play for the regular residents and then immediately change to the memory care wing and run the same set again. Much smaller venue than The Lodge but I now alternate each week between the two so im playing the same set 3 times in two weeks. Much better to build new sets every two weeks than every week. No need for $ that way they it’s hard for them to say no😁. I get way more out of this than they probably do but many folks say they like it! Either way it forces me to buckle down and play! Thanks for checking in……Rod