Rod at The Lodge with Wichita Lineman

I wanted to share this certainly not for the video perspective, I was later than normal getting set and thought I set the Go Pro right but clearly that was not the case :grin:. Regardless this about a week’s worth of working out key, vocal, rhythms, and general delivery. Then a week on vacation with no guitar, two days practice and went live with it today at the retirement home I’ve been playing since May. The original recording is so full of stuff that I certainly couldn’t do in such a turn. Honestly the vocal timing and the strum were what took me so long and although this is far from polished I’m really pleased with the interpretation. Must be honest not one clap at the end except for the one in my head where I thought “that was really a decent go and far from the train wreck where I started “ :grimacing:.

As always any time spent viewing or commenting is much appreciated….Rod


Nice job with the song Rod, not so much with the camera. :smiley: Tough crowd though. I think I’d have rage quit. Still I guess it is all good practice. Have you done any other live playing since starting at the home?


Nothing wrong with the performance. Perhaps just a song people didn’t know hence the lack of appreciation. It just happens sometimes. Keep on rockin!


Very Good Rod!

You’ve got much courage imho.
I find it very hard to play for any crowd as lots of people listening to ‘me’, intimidates me. I get stage fright. And when that happens to me, I usually play extra poorly. It’s just hard to do and you did excellent.

I sure hear ya there. It’s very hard to be a full band when it’s just you.

I think ya did great!


Still sending things Rod, and as good ever in my book!! I’d not describe it as far from polished, I’d say just maybe a little refinement but no more than that!
Shocking crowd :wink:


Cool stuff, Rod! :clap:

Never heard the tune before, but I liked your rendition. :+1: I think it was a solid performance from all perspectives (except camera angle :joy:), will become even smoother with some more time spent on it. So given the short time for preparing and practice, you did really good.

Don’t mind the folks too much, maybe they just didn’t know the tune as I did? Surely not because of your performance, so here’s your well deserved applause: :clap: :clap: :slight_smile:


I enjoyed your performance Rod, and the vocal timing was good so that practice time was well spent. Strumming captured the feel of the original nicely, I expect you’re pleased with that.

There were a couple of the sustained high notes, right near the edge of your vocal range, that you didn’t quite hit (I’m sure you know that!). In a lot of country songs you can get away with skipping past or dodging the really high notes but I think this song exposes them too much to let you skip by them. Your voice can sing that high, just need to work on hitting and holding the note!


No judgement here I have found that some days the group claps for every thing even the ones I think are subpar :grinning:, other days not so much. Just makes me try to figure out how to connect with them better! No other live playing, trying to bring two new selections each week keeps me busy enough. I always tell the staff I probably get more out of this than they do.

Thanks for the kind comments @HappyCat !

Thanks bud! This whole thing is a big public woodshed for me. They get it warts and all. I’m just glad they let me experiment on them :grinning: It definitely helps me build the repertoire! I think I’ve played live over 40 songs so far. I think I had 10 or so worked up when I started. No crowd judgement, its up to me to find out what they like.

Very kind @Lisa_S , thanks much.

Thanks for the feedback. Vocal is always a work in progress! They say Glen Campbell had a 4 octave range and that he could full voice high notes that other singers had to go falsetto to hit. I’m barely a 2 octave guy :smiling_face_with_tear:.


Certainly no train wreck and deserved some recognition from the audience.


That’s a great song, and well played. You’re definitely doing the hard yards with that audience - the best kind of practice!


I thought that was pretty good, nothing wrong with that delivery! I don’t know the original song though. Tough crowd I suppose.


Well done, Rod. Nice opportunity for you to be able to perform at the Retirement home. I hope you will post more. It would be nice to watch how much you progress. Your doing great already!