Rod first outdoor live performance Mr Bojangles

Weeks in the making but the folks at Brookdale Sr Living wanted an outdoor set before lunch and we finally pulled it off. Many firsts here: outdoor with the Everse 8 amp and Beat Buddy; first live with in ear monitors.

Everse is battery powered but the Beat Buddy needs ac power so extension cord added to the kit solved that. Really wondered how all my kit would sound outdoors. I have preset mixes on the Everse but The Lodge is the loudest of them so I started with it. I have a 20 ft guitar cable so I can at least get out in front and hear the guitar and drums together. Guitar needed a little bump. Came back to mic and played a little of Come Monday and asked the residents how it sounded and they said good. Played a little more to see how the in ears were working and a nurse on the porch said take the vocal up a little more, she was worried if the residents really needed a little more on that side so I did and rolled with it.

The go pro camera is about 40+ feet from me here the farthest I’ve ever had the camera in any of my sets and I am really happy with total sound of all 3 inputs; vocal, drums and guitar.

Got a request for Elvis stuff so got to get that worked up. Suspicious Minds and You Were Always on My Mind for next time!

Thanks for watching….Rod


Good sound Rod!!!
Looks like your rig has really come together & happy that the IEMs are working for you & Dirk!!! Really cool to be outside live for your audience!


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Sounded great Rod! Your cover is real good. I enjoyed listening to you.

Ya look real comfy playing in the shade of that tree too. A perfect place to play.
Looks like fun.
Thanks for sharing.



A very enjoyable version of a terrific song. Your strumming was consistent, spot-on timewise, and the littke runs on some of ther changes worked well, You sang and played confidently which would connect well with any audience - certainly kept me listening.



Nice job Rod. It looks and sounds like you are having fun, which is what your parking lot audience surely wants.

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Excellent performance Rod!

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Looks and sounds like a load of fun Rod. Your new kit is sounding great and the volume levels sound good to me.
Must be difficult to judge when playing outdoors with wind, ambient noise etc.
Super version of a classic song, well done.

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Nice job! That is NOT an easy song to pull off.

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Class act Rod. I have been wondering where you have been and now I know. Good sound to my ears. You even had a handicap. Did you shoot under par? :smile:

Great job on the song, the mix and the performance. You are doing well and meeting each challenge head on. Well done mate!


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Thanks @LBro :grinning: par is always your friend! Just glad nobody tried to take the parking spot while i was using the shade!..… Rod

Well done, Rod. How was the weather? It looked like you were comfortable. Looked like a lovely day. I know your audience loved it!

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Great stuff Ron! Interesting place to set up for an outdoor gig, best thing was having the tree to shade you!
Sounded pretty good to me, onwards and upwards!

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It was in the 80sF but the direct sun would have been brutal. In fact my last song didn’t get recorded because i think my go pro over heated as it was in the direct sun. The shade was a must!:grinning:. We are doing it again next week and i think we will be in the 90sF so I’ll need to keep that parking spot open!…Rod

That was a fab performance, Rod! I thoroughly enjoyed the listen. :smiley:

Your new setup seems to work out pretty fine, even outdoors. Sound was good for me and even the ambient noises were quite low, wouldn’t have expected that for an outdoor performance.Playing and singing wise it was so well done, I hope the folks liked it, too, while they enjoyed a little sunshine outside. :smiley:

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Many thanks @Lisa_S . It was a hit so we are doing it again next week. It will be hotter so my shady spot will be more critical!:open_mouth:…Rod

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You’re the man Rod! Awesome mate.
Sounding very, very good. Great playing, singing, production ; the whole package.

Cheers, Shane

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